trying to send sysex to my Peavey DPM V3


New member
If I try to send a sys file using Sonar 6 Producer Edition's sysex feature, it says "F0 or F7 missing".

Are there any solid programs out there that will support sending sysex files to vintage equipment such as my Peavey DPM V3? (I bought it on eBay and, of course, the presets were gone so I need to reload them. I got the necessary .sys files from Peavey's website.)

I tried MIDI-OX but it didn't work out. Older shareware/freeware programs simply render my MOTU MTP AV disabled until I reboot as I don't think that they're compatible with Windows XP.

I have both a MOTU MIDI Timepiece AV and an eMagic Unitor8 both working under Windows XP.

Any help is really appreciated.


I tried MIDI-OX but it didn't work out.

It was pilot error if MidiOx 'didn't work out.'

MidiOx is the Swiss Army knife of systems exclusive reception and transmission. If you got the files you are trying to transmit to your DMP V3 came from the web or some other questionably trustworthy source they may be corrupted at best or simply not sysex files to start with.

All sysex transmissions start with F0 and end with F7, so if that's the message you're getting the chances are that you're sending something as sysex that's not sysex at all.

Just for the sake of it, try eliminating everything between the computer and the keyboard and just pump the MidiOx data straight into the unit and see what happens.


In MiIDI-OX, I descreased the MIDI output buffer from 256 to 64 bytes/KB and increased the post-buffer delay from 60 to 300 milliseconds and it worked!

So I guess older machines (the DPM V3 was released in `91 or so) need to be pampered a little bit in order to work and I suppose newer machines can handle bigger and faster MIDI sysex.

Maybe this lesson is applicable to getting sysex working with some of my other vintage gear.

Thanks for your help!
