Trying to get a Behringer X1832 to work


New member
I just bought this mixer and have never used a mixer before.

The manual is pretty bad but I have made some headway.

I want to use the 2 track input and output connections as the in and out on the mixer.
I connect an input device to the 2track/USB inouts. I press the red 2 track/USB source button and if I plug in headphones I have my input music.

I then plug in the ouptput cables and run them to my receiver aux input but I cannot get any input to the receiver.

I have tried everything (buttonwise) on the mixer to try and get the sound to go thru to the receiver but it just won't work.

I did plug in a cable from the back panel mains and plugged it into a small guitar amp I have and I did get sound to the amp. I believe
the manual said the 2 track output plugs are connected to the mains output but I just don't get any sound thru those two output jacks.

Even if I get it to work I am not sure I will be able to get the results I am trying for but I can ask more questions later if someone
can PLEASE help me with this problem

Sorry if I didn't explain it correctly and will answer any questions someone asks me for further clarification. Also I just singed up on this site,
this is my first post here and I am not sure where I will find any replies so please be Patient with my newbie status.

Thank you for any help.

Hi Jim and welcome to HR. I have searched for the last ten minutes for a 'block Diagram' of that mixer without success. I have found the user manual but the block diagram is not in it, packed separately with the mixer it seems. This is bloody silly because that BD is THE most useful way to trace signal paths through a mixer, very like the conceptual map of London Underground? Not a detailed schematic but shows where the signals come from and go to.
If you have that diagram as a separate sheet I would be obliged if you could get it scanned at posted here as an attachment?

So...YOUR problem! You mention "USB inputs"? You need the mixer connected to a computer to utilize its USB functions and you do not mention a computer? Assuming no PC, forget "USB" and connect a source to say Line Input One. Set that channel's gain about mid way and the chan' fader to its 'zero' mark just down from the top. Set 'Pan' centrally. Feed your receiver AUX in from either Main Out, Ctrl Out or the RCA/Phono sockets "CD/Tape outs. Have a wiggle of some knobs and switches and you should get some sound. Do you have any headphones? If so try those in the mixer as well.

More details from you Jim would be the nature of the input(s) you are using and what the general purpose is you have bought the mixer for.


Thanks for your reply.

The only reason I mentioned USB is because that is what the switches are named (2td/USB) I am not connecting anything to the USB connector.

There are two switches named 2tr/usb, one is a source and one is 2tr/usb to main. The one under source is the one I push
in and then get music in my headphones from the input device which is connected to the two RCA jacks which are labeled 2tr/usb input.

I then connect 2 RCA cables from the 2tr/usb output jacks to my receiver. Again I am not using my computer or the USB connector on the mixer.

I get sound in my headphones but nothing at the receiver. I have wiggled every knob I can see and still cannot get the sound to the receiver using the RCA output jacks on the mixer.

I did connect a cable from one of the mains output plugs to an amp and did get sound. I can make two cables that run from the mains outputs (using the large guitar style connectors), on the mixer side and then putting RCA jacks on the other end of the cable to connect to my receiver and that might work.

I just don't think it is necessary because the RCA jacks on the mixer should work going to my receiver.

I hope this explains my problem better. I believe there is a switch I need to press or unpress to get the input to go to the output using the RCA connectors and that is what I am hoping to find out about.

If you have lot of RCA-RCA cables these,

Are really useful and one of the few audio adapters that I find reliable.

In the absence of a block diagrams (no go?) I have 'blown up' a picture of the front of that mixer and "Aha!" Those 4 rca sockets do NOT I think work as they do on virtually all other mixers that sport them (my A&H ZED10 USB , a beh' X802 and beh 1002) Your mixer's RCAs only work I am sure when exchanging signals via USB with a computer.

You need to come out of two, L&R, jacks or XLR connectors on the back of the mixer.

Keep us posted.


Thanks again for the reply. It does seem pretty bad to have the RCA inputs and the RCA outputs if they inputs don't go to the outputs.

I will have to get/make some cables and use the outputs on the back of the mixer instead and plug them into my receiver.
If that works then I will be able to use the processor to put some reverb or delay into the output.

The goal is to put a slightly different signal into the rear speakers of my receiver. Just offset the rears from the fronts just a bit to give me a
quadraphonic/ surround sound output.

I will let you know if it works.

I want to use the 2 track input and output connections as the in and out on the mixer.
I connect an input device to the 2track/USB inouts. I press the red 2 track/USB source button and if I plug in headphones I have my input music.

Why the USB jack? Are you plugging it into your computer?
I then plug in the ouptput cables and run them to my receiver aux input but I cannot get any input to the receiver.
Are they line level inputs or mic level inputs on the Receiver ? And it this a HiFi type receiver?

I have tried everything (buttonwise) on the mixer to try and get the sound to go thru to the receiver but it just won't work.
If you are. hearing sound from the Mains - then you have sound through the board - and it's just a matter of routing - Pressing the 2 Track /USB Button routes the inputs not the outputs - The outputs are routed all the time - so its a matter of what's going through your Mains - and You Press the Source Control - 2 Trk/USB in the Box - not the solo one above the mains.

You didn't read the earlier posts. I am not plugging into a computer. The only reason I call the jacks and switches 2tr/usb is because that
is what they are labeled on the mixer.

Now for my next part, I made two cables to go from the main outputs on the back of the mixer to the RCA inputs on my receiver and I now have music going from my output player thru the mixer to the receiver. So as Dave said the output RCA jacks (which are labeled 2track/usb output) apparently do not work on the mixer I have. Maybe mine is broken or they just don't connect by design. Pretty poor design if that is the case.

Thanks for all your posts. I think I will be OK now.

You will need to check the routing of the 2trk/USB inputs and outputs. There are going to be buttons that determine whether you are using USB or 2 trk, and to where you want to send therm.
Ths pic shows the relevatnt section you need to look at.

To be able to hear material you are sending to the RCA inputs, you will need to have the red 2trk/USB button pressed as the source, and then the red 2trk/USB to main button pressed. The level coming out will be determined by the main mix faders. You also could also go from the main outputs at tthe back of the mixer using a pait of TRS to RCA cables.
Or, if you like, you can not press the 2trk to main button. This will send the signal to the gontrol room outputs on the bacl (also needing TRS to RCA leads). The level of this is controlled by the Phomes/ Ctrl Room knob.
However the reason you are not hearing anything could be for other reasons. For example, make sure that none of the solo buttons are pressed on the mixer channels.
Ths pic shows the relevatnt section you need to look at.

View attachment 129291
To be able to hear material you are sending to the RCA inputs, you will need to have the red 2trk/USB button pressed as the source, and then the red 2trk/USB to main button pressed. The level coming out will be determined by the main mix faders. You also could also go from the main outputs at tthe back of the mixer using a pait of TRS to RCA cables.
Or, if you like, you can not press the 2trk to main button. This will send the signal to the gontrol room outputs on the bacl (also needing TRS to RCA leads). The level of this is controlled by the Phomes/ Ctrl Room knob.
However the reason you are not hearing anything could be for other reasons. For example, make sure that none of the solo buttons are pressed on the mixer channels.

Ths pic shows the relevatnt section you need to look at.

View attachment 129291
To be able to hear material you are sending to the RCA inputs, you will need to have the red 2trk/USB button pressed as the source, and then the red 2trk/USB to main button pressed. The level coming out will be determined by the main mix faders. You also could also go from the main outputs at tthe back of the mixer using a pait of TRS to RCA cables.
Or, if you like, you can not press the 2trk to main button. This will send the signal to the gontrol room outputs on the bacl (also needing TRS to RCA leads). The level of this is controlled by the Phomes/ Ctrl Room knob.
However the reason you are not hearing anything could be for other reasons. For example, make sure that none of the solo buttons are pressed on the mixer channels.

I have pressed the both the red buttons that have been mentioned in the last two replies. When you look at the unit those two buttons made the most sense to get the mixer to do what I wanted. Unfortunately what seemed to be the easiest thing to get to work didn't work. The RCA input worked but I could not get the RCA output jacks to work. When I say the RCA input worked it worked thru the headphone jack only.

I have made the cables and get sound thru the rear main outputs!

I did check the solo buttons and none of them were pressed.

Thank you all but what seemed to be such an easy thing hasn't turned out that way. Maybe my mixer is broken, I just don't know but having the sound working thru the rear outputs will be OK for my use.

I've owned a few of those Behringer mixers, and although the USB input switch is a new wrinkle, it's straightforward: Pull the main faders down. Attach your source of choice to the RCA ins. Attach the RCA outs to wherever you want the output to go. Depress the "Two-tr/USB to Main" button. SOLO mode should be "normal." Pull the main faders up, and if your RCA input source is working, then the faders should show a signal and that signal should be present at your RCA outs. The signal is also sent simultaneously to the MAIN outs. Also, if you're going to use the mixer all the time, get some adapter cables as suggested above. You can run the RCA outs of your source to a pair of channels instead of the RCA ins on the desk.
TimOD, have you used that exact mixer model? I have not but I have used several other mixers with those RCA ins and outs and yes, they behaved as you indicate. Attached is a shot of an Xenyx 802.

But OP's mixer has the RCAs labeled "USB" and I conclude from this that the "USB RCA" output ONLY comes from the DAW of an attached computer. For instance, a conventional USB interface will not output a signal unless connected to a PC since said signal ORIGINATES in the PC.

Our new friend Jim might think it a strange arrangement but it is actually perfectly logical!



  • 802  rca.png
    802 rca.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 3
TimOD and ecc83, I like the answer TimOD gave but I tried the switch settings in that configuration and did not get output thru the RCA jacks. I did get
sound if I used headphones and I could see the power meters go up and down as I played with the main mix faders.

Just to clarify for ecc83, the RCA input/output jacks are labeled 2 track/USB which should mean they are for more than just the usb input.

I am going with my unit is broken and I will have to live with it. I bougth it for 10 dollars and seeing I am getting the output using the mains outputs I will get what I need from it.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all
TimOD and ecc83, I like the answer TimOD gave but I tried the switch settings in that configuration and did not get output thru the RCA jacks. I did get
sound if I used headphones and I could see the power meters go up and down as I played with the main mix faders.

Just to clarify for ecc83, the RCA input/output jacks are labeled 2 track/USB which should mean they are for more than just the usb input.

I am going with my unit is broken and I will have to live with it. I bougth it for 10 dollars and seeing I am getting the output using the mains outputs I will get what I need from it.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all
I doubt it is broken. The "usb input" I would suggests takes a signal directly to the A/D converter? I strongly suggest you connect the mixer to a PC and get familiar with that system if only for your interest and MY satisfaction!

I doubt you will have much trouble with a PC setup, go by the book of course but these basic USB mixers usually get loaded up by windows pretty automatically as a "Generic USB Audio Device" sometimes even "USB Microphone Device". They are usually not the last word in noise performance nor low latency but can be useful..scratch recording a band in your local boozer e.g!
