Trump on Trial!

I will say this honestly and factual…if someone asks me, “Were you better off four years ago?” my honest answer is ‘yes’. Financially, definitely. Belief in nationally security, without a doubt. Generally confident that the government that makes macro decisions that don’t make things worse for my quality of life?, yes. Belief that despite local and county corruption that the bigger government had my best interests? 110% That the US had world respect and was maintaining and increasing that reputation without abusing it? Abso fuckin lutely. That our President was 100% honest about things that don’t really directly affect me? No. Same question but where untruths affect his ability to run the country? Absolutely not and insignificant.
Confidence in the President as a financial leader who understands the workings of economies? Best in my lifetime. President with the wet hair and smile? Abso fuckin lutely not, but that’s not why I support a President or Presidential nominee. This is not a Politics Illustrated Swimsuit Edition career politician popularity contest.
But that's all the current administration has to work with... Wagging the dog with fake media appeals to high minded aspirations of moral superiority and global responsibility; But without any substance or a fiscally viable plan. Progressivism seems to be a cultish faith in the unreasonably unattainable, fueled by "positive thinking" instead of common sense.

What astounds me is how many "open minded" geniuses fall for the bullshit while allowing themselves to be led like stupid cattle... happy to pay $10.00/lb for chuck roast :cautious: