TRS 1/4" Phone plug sale

Are you seriously ordering $20,000 worth of TRS plugs? You can get Neutrik and Switchcraft for under $3.00 a plug here in the states, without having to buy them in quantity.
Yes, I am about to.

I have not been able to find authentic switchcraft plugs that cheap. If you know of source, let me know, I'll skip this hassle entirely and just buy the real thing and let my friends finish this deal on their own. I'd *prefer* the real thing, however I've not found them for less than about $4.50. Of the 10,000 plugs, only 750 were slated for me. The other guys in this were making up the rest of the 10,000 (one guy is taking 8000 of them!)

Please, if you have a source, I'd appreciate you sharing it.
Yes, I did. I even acknowledged it in a different thread :D

Here is where I'm at right now... my buddies are going for the cheaper, imitation jacks just because of the quantity involved. A buck on 9500 plugs is 9500 bucks "saved". We discussed this at great length, and their penny pinching ways are like mine heh-heh.

I am still undecided. I was to be the one placing the order and I haven't as I've been distracted most of the week by dead car after dead car. Three of the four broke this week and that's all I've been doing... and late tonight we're heading 5 hours from NJ to MA for the weekend for a wedding, taking our infant son in tow.

So yes I got your email, yes I liked what you offered, and yes I discussed it with my friends at length, and no I haven't done anything more than that at this point just because this week has been the pits.

I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you, I've just not been as focused on this and other recording related things the past few days...
Its no skin off my back whichever route you take. I just wanted to make sure that you received the email i sent you:)