Trouble with TASCAM US-1800 on Ableton Live 8


New member
Hi, guys! My new Tascam US-1800 audio interface came today, so I installed the newest driver from the website, got it hooked up. It has 8 XLR inputs, 2 guitar/bass/line ins, and midi i/o. I plugged in a microphone and set the ableton audio input to the TASCAM and got audio recorded from the XLR. There did seem to be some bugginess (I had to restart Ableton/the computer a couple of times because it stopped recognizing the Tascam) but at least it functioned.

However, when I plug in a working acoustic-electric guitar, nothing gets to Ableton. No detected levels, nothing records. It doesn't come through the pc speakers, either. The overload light turns on when I push the volume up on the guitar, and when I plugged headphones in to the Tascam and set the Ableton audio output to run back out the Tascam, I can hear the guitar in the phones -- but still no detectable levels in Ableton.

Has anyone else had this problem? Is is Ableton or my Tascam? Thanks for any help you guys can give me.