Trouble turning off Punch In function


New member
Hi, I am brand new to Cool Edit and very excited so far with it. But have run into some snags. When I use Punch in, I have trouble turning it off. As in after using my Punch In, I can't record anywere else on the track unless I highlight another area again and select Punch in again. I cannot find any obvious ways to remedy this and the help function didnt cover this.
I'm not sure what you mean by "turn it off." The only way to record over top of an existing track is to use punch-in. To record elsewhere over top of the same track, simply use punch-in again. If you want to replace the entire existing track, delete it and start a new recording in its place. If you want to keep it and record a new track, select record on another track and proceed that way.

In some versions of Cool Edit or Adobe Audition you can use the "Merge" command to make a punch-in clip become a permanent part of the original track. You highlight both the original track and the punch-in clip and then select Merge from the file menu. (Or right click may offer it too.)

Is that what you meant? :confused:
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Well after I use punch in, it wont let me record anywere else on the track. I assume it is because punch in is selected. On my Roland 1680, I could turn it off and than proceed to record on teh track again. With CE, I select Punch in, but than cannot record anywere else, (when finished with Punch in) on the track unless I redo a punch in somewere else on teh track.
I am confused as to why I cannot record on the same tracks after using Punch In. It only lets me record over what was previously selected there for Punch In, but how do I move on to record on that same track w/o Punch In. Record is armed and other tracks record. How do I tell CE that the Punch In is finished and I wish to record as normal on that track?!?!?