Trouble hooking an Alesis Midiverb II up a Steinberg UR44 to mix in Logic Pro X


New member
Hey everyone, haven't posted on here for a LONG time (so much so that my account was deactivated), but I'm having a lot of difficulty getting my Alesis Midiverb II to work properly with my Steinberg US44 and Logic Pro X and I believe you are the only ones that can help me. I will try my best to explain...

Basically, I am getting very little output gain from the Midiverb back into the DAW. This happens any way I try and route a signal through the machine using Logic, including the i/o utility, making bus's that send and receive the signal, etc. More aggrevating than that is this terrible feedback the Midiverb is generating when I try and turn the output signal up. I'm wondering if anyone knows what is causing this feedback, as it doesn't happen when I use the unit on it's own with a guitar or drum machine into an amp (i.e. not for recording or mixing), even when the input/outputs are cranked.

What I truly want is to be able to filter channel strips through the Midiverb using the i/o utility, as it seems to be what would allow me to use the wet/dry mix knob on the reverb unit to mix... but something is messing with the signal! It seems to be doubled on the output stage from the UR44 into the Midiverb... and what in the world is causing that feedback??? I've spent many hours pondering this! Perhaps it has something to do with the "dspMixFx" program that effects the UR44, perhaps it has something to do with my Logic settings. Perhaps it was never meant to be (I refuse to accept that answer however).

Is midi the solution? I don't know even know how that works but I'll try it as soon as I get another midi cable cause I currently only have one.
Well done!

However, were I in your shoes I would be sorely tempted to put the midiverb in the cupboard and go straight from steinberg to logic. Logic has some fine plug-ins including reverb. Additionally there are many others you can get, and there is considerably more versatility through operating within the computer