Trix to convert MONO to STEREO


New member
I'm not sure which discussion to post this in, but I'll try mixing/mastering...

I'm looking for any tips on converting a mono audio signal to a stereo signal... I have some mono live music recordings and I'm just trying to give them a more expanded stereo feel.

What I've done:
1. convert the file to stereo by simply copying the signal into both left and right channels

2. delay one channel... i believe this is the key here. i applied a 5ms delay and output 100% effected (delayed) signal... i'm not sure what the delay time should be... any ideas?? or any standard practice?? please offer up any insight

3. then i "expanded" by using the pan/expand process in sound forge to make it sound a bit wider...

Please let me know if this is a good procedure to follow and offer any suggestions to help. Thanks!!
beedub1 said:
I'm looking for any tips on converting a mono audio signal to a stereo signal...
That's not possible... true stereo sources need to be captured in stereo with a pair of mics.

Mucking around with 2 mono signals of a source will get you "electronically processed stereo" or "faux" stereo at best - and IMO a well-recorded mono signal is far preferable to a faux stereo signal anytime.
There are some Stereo VST effects (aka, Stereoizer, I think) that will help to do this. Obviously nothing compares to the real deal, but it will make a dead mono mix sound more alive. A bit of EQing also goes a long way.
thanks guys... Yeah, the source is quite lo-fi - it's a mono audio source from an old VHS video camera. While it's definitely manageable (with a li'l EQing, compressing, and normalizing) I think it's worth trying to widen the sound... "Massive" gave some tips in the "Recording" discussion as well.