Triton Le and MPC2000xl MIDI HELP

Simply connect the midi output of the Triton to one of the midi inputs on the MPC...same thing for input...midi input of the keyboard to one of the midi outputs on the MPC.

Since the Triton does not have any built-in speakers, you'll have to connect the left and right audio outputs of it to the 'record' inputs on the MPC and monitor through that or connect it directly to some external speakers.
shaze58126 said:
I Have No Idea How To Midi These Two Together. Can Anyone Help?
It has nothing to do with 'built in speakers' and everything to do with midi syncronization.

Here's the real answer.

Use the MPC's sequencer as the master clock - that means putting the Triton's sequencer clock in external or auto mode and leaving the MPC in internal mode.

Next, find the page inside the Triton (probably 'global') on which the Local on/off switch is found and switch it to off. This will break the connection between the keyboard and the sound source inside and will give you the equivalent of 3 midi instruments - a master keyboard, a Triton sound module and an MPC sampling drum machine.

Plug the keyboard midi out into the MPC midi in and plug midi out A of the MPC into the keyboard.

Now you are ready to sequence the Triton voices with the MPC sequencer. If you're not familiar with it's operation, read the MPC manual for how to record to the sequencer and the Triton manual for how to set up multi patches that receive on multiple midi channels.
woah this helps me a lot I think. I wanna know how to connect my triton LE via MIDI into my Firebox. So I have to go into global mode and can either use it as a sound module or drum machine or master keyboard(what's this exactly?) If it's all the sounds in master why not just use that?
I have to go into global mode and can either use it as a sound module or drum machine or master keyboard

Ok, the reason you turn off the local is so the keyboard only sends to the midi output, not the Triton (normally it will send to both). Most sequencers will thru the midi it is recieving to the corresponding midi output so what will happen if the local is left on is that you will get a double note since the synth will trigger once from the local keyboard and once from the sequencer. This is not what you want. With local off, you wont have that problem and you can use the keyboard as the "Master Keyboard" meaning that it can be used for all your midi recording since you can have the input set globally on the sequencer, and routed to whatever midi channel via the current midi track you are working on.

The sounds will remain the same in either mode but with the addition of a sequencer, you can have multiple midi tracks playing mutiple patches on the sound module