Trippy Headphone Cowboys

I like the mix, even though it's not really my type of music. For the style though, I think you got it down. Is this gonna be part of a concept album of some kind?

Very nice!!

Now tell me you didn't really record this in space, because this time you've gone to far!!
Ric, great job again!

Wanna here something funny. I thought (because of the vox I'm used to from you) I thought you might have done the child's part in the beginning... uh... that wasn't you, right?

So what's the story behind this collaboration? Did they contact you, etc?
Good morning gents!!!

Jon X
Actually, because of the very positive reponses we have been getting, it is going
to end up being a concept thingy. I'm already working on the second tune. Thanks for your reply!

Haha! Well, actually This was recorded in space...the space downstairs in my basement!!
Thanks for the listening.

Ray J
Thanks man, appreciate it. :)

Naw, hehe, that child is my three year old daughter Hannah! I recorded her last Sunday morning, lisp and all. This is only the second tune I have done where I sing falsetto. Not because I couldn't get the high range, but because that falsetto tone added a real fragility to the kinda fit "a man in trouble" scenario.

On the collab, I actually put out a topic on another BB looking for potential co-writers.
I got a few really talented dudes that had stuff semi completed that they wanted me to finish. I've internet collabed with probably 7 or 8 other artists. Each time I'm off on something totally different. It is a great way to further artistic developement.
You should try it sometime. :)
kinda remindes me of pink floyd. I like it alot. Sounds great.

I would like to collaberate with you sometime. I think it would be fun.

Good mix, as usual. I usually detect some prog rock in your stuff, with your own flavor added. I'll add my usual "wish there were real drums mixed-in" comment, but it didn't detract from the song.
Greetings friends!!

Hi gibs...
Heh...Thanks for your continued support. I don't know about you (or anybody else
checking out the post) but, sometimes downer
tunes somehow make me feel better...maybe I
should see a doctor. :eek: :) I've been roped into more of this piece is...well...kinda folksy Pink Floyd with my cheese cake vox plopped on top.

I also think there's a Floyd vibe here too...
not intentional, but sometimes them influences have a way of leakin out..
I am always available for music me with some of your thoughts and ideas.. ;)

Hi! Well, my roots are tied up in progressive music, so I'm sure I have that tendency. Yeah, I'd love real drums too, but there's to much involved for a small timer to get a decent sound. Though soon my tunes will have the next best thing...I'll be picking up a Yamaha DS-11 electronic kit very soon. A lot more human inflection will be mixed in the percussion tracks. thanks for checking in on the thread.

thanks my man!! Uh...trippy guy/trippy vox??? Hmmm...well, I am experienced!! hehe...Daze gone by though... ;)
Your stuff is always so catchy, you bastard ;). I couldn't shake the chorus of Tweak for days, and now I'm scaring the cat singing "...there's a porthooooole in my caaaaaaabiiiiiiiin" in mock opera style.
You've done it again, very nice. This is a very moving and visual song. I'll be waiting for your next tune... hopefully the CD won't be too far behind. :D
HAHA LOL cracking up over here!!! too funny. :).Thanks for the compliment...

Thanks my friend....another Trippy tune
right around the corner...finishing touches goin on now..

I gotta apologize I didn't listen to this with head phones :) but I think I should have! Who does your production? You have a great way of integrating all the elements to get a very smooth sound and arrangement. That takes some talent.

Oopth...I missed this thang! Sorry Layth..
Well on this tune, Dave Griffith (the collab dude) and I produced it. Instruments by Dave...all vocals myself.

I do the final mixdown though....

This is a good headphone song!!!!

see ya later!
Help I'm wasted and I cant find my way back home! Wow Ric that was something else really love your style man! So... Keep em COMING Dude!!!
Thanks David...More Trippy Headphone Cowboys
coming soon...continuing saga...stay tuned.


Great song, Ric.
I hear some early David Bowie influences on this song.
Great mix, too.
Keep 'em comin! :)