Triple Six Wins!!!!!

I thought that was some funny ass shit... you know old white dudes in the crowd were like "what the fuck are these guys doing up there"

By the way, anybody else notice Luda in the audience too?? And they said rap was just a fad. HAH
yeah 3-6 won..Crash won best picture, how you luv that..

but I heard while 3-6 was performing they didnt show the crowd...LOL

cause everyone was sitting there like DUHHH...LOL
Man those folks ain't ready for no 3-6. They wanna see shit like Celine Dion. They MIGHT be ready for John Legend.
I think Luda could very well become like Ice Cube in movies...give him a few years and a good starring role. He's got good crossover appeal and a good personality while performing and outside studios/ off cameras.
Ha! Hip Hop is taken over! They don't like that. They say "That aint real music!" Bla, Bla.... :p

Fieva said:
Man those folks ain't ready for no 3-6. They wanna see shit like Celine Dion. They MIGHT be ready for John Legend.
Does it strike anyone else that (as Jon Stewert pointed out) one of the greatest directors in history, Martin Scorsese, doesn't have an Oscar, but this mediocre rap group does? Don't get me wrong, this song was better than the Dolly Parton song, and the song from Crash, but that is some fucked up shit.

"3-6 Mafia one, Martin Scorsese Zero."

Best line of the night.
I mean, even 3-6 themselves admitted that they didn't think that they would win. What do I see this as? I personally see this as the Oscars taking note of the effect and prominence of hip-hop/rap in present time.

Far too long, mainstream (the older audience generally) has wanted to sweep it under the rug and treat it as if it doesn't exist, but how can they now? Now about the Oscar...Scorsese is one of the greats as far as directors go, no contest there, but when you have one of the greats up for nomination, it's a sure bet that you're going to have more than one going up against each other.

Best director is a big category, right up there with best actor/actress, best picture. You can watch a commercial for the DVD of the movie and hear "best director", "best actor", "best picture" all day long. Not likely you're going to hear "best soundtrack song" unless it's a documentary of a musician like Tupac Resurrection or even Walk The Line.

Best song/soundtrack is on a much smaller scale, so it's easy to let that go to a "mediocre rap group". Usually, the song that wins, you've never heard of the people who made it. Hell, truth be known, I had to take a double take on the screen and think "whoa...that IS three six". And you know 3-6 is going to floss that Oscar win and put it in some of their lyrics.
Fieva said:
Best song/soundtrack is on a much smaller scale, so it's easy to let that go to a "mediocre rap group". Usually, the song that wins, you've never heard of the people who made it. Hell, truth be known, I had to take a double take on the screen and think "whoa...that IS three six". And you know 3-6 is going to floss that Oscar win and put it in some of their lyrics.

Thats my Word!!!

(oh, guess what? IM back!!!!) yippeeeeeeeee :D
Yeah I know....they were talking about it from the minute they were nominated. Now they'll be rapping about that. I've always liked 3-6 though...even in the earlier years. I just think they've gotten better with time and they keep grinding on what they do while staying as true to their original form as they can.
I'mma be honest, but before I do please note for the record that I AM VERY MUCH a 3-6 fan. I have purchased Crazyinthalastdaze, The Choices soundtrack, Project pats last 2 albums, the HeadBussas,The Unberakables, and ofcourse Unknowns. But........

I have to say that In my opinion...(inhales deeply) that song was not in anyway worthy of an Oscar.

I like the song but... I think I'll just shut up right now cuz Hip Hop needed this.