Trim vs. Fader


New member
I have a Tascam 488 8-track - I'm trying to figure out if it is wiser to let the mic feed more through the trim(the very top knob) or if I should let the fader at the bottom give the mic more input to the track. I hope this makes sence.

One more thing - Track 1 is going faulty or something. Usually I do every track through track 1. Meaning I input through track 1 to record on all the other tracks. every track records fine except 1 - on playback(even through the mix -not just tape cue)it fades in and out(noise to no noise) - But I just cleaned it so I don't think that is it. And also when I turn the tape cue knob on track one, it can cut out completely! Then I have to jimmy it to get the sound back. Does it cost alot of money to get something like this fixed?

Obviousely it is not the end of the world since I have 7 other tracks - but any info would be helpful!
I'm not used to that particular porta, but when recording, the technique of having the fader at 0dB and the adjusting the trim should work fine as a general rule, I think.

Your problem with track 1 sounds like head wear to me. That means you have to replace the head, and, yup, that can be pretty expensive.