triggering a sample live with pad


New member
I have a electronic drum pad, and when i am playing a gig, i want to be able to hit the pad and it plays a sample, (a 808 roland kick sample that has been edited to make it sound bigger over a pa):cool:

what will i need?:confused: im assuming a drum module, however what modules have memory that you can upload .wav files onto it? then use it?

i bought a yamaha dtxpress III because the guy who sold it to me at the store told me i could upload samples onto it...turns out i can't. what a waste of $500, im 16 and that was like 4 months of work for me wasted:mad: hahaha

anyways, please help!:D
To be perfectly honest, you should have checked that before you bought it. If you just want to trigger one sound at a time, getting an all-in-one module unit will be much more suited to your needs than a full drum kit.