Tribute to Axl Rose

Not really sure what to do with 18 year old kid making fun of someone who has sold enough tickets to buy and sell him. Sorry, I could not listen to the whole song due to the piss poor performance....just another sophmoric joke that is lost on people who appreciate time and commitment.
The Wink Licks said:
We all know how amazing Axl Rose is, or at least, how amazing he thinks he is.

Well, this is our tribute to him. Please listen to the whole song.

I just couldn't help but like this :D At least in a way.

I think what we have here is a failure to communicate....

I'll be listening to November Rain if anyone wants me.
jpw23 said:
Not really sure what to do with 18 year old kid making fun of someone who has sold enough tickets to buy and sell him. Sorry, I could not listen to the whole song due to the piss poor performance....just another sophmoric joke that is lost on people who appreciate time and commitment.
But I've got to respect the dedication it took to create an HR and a Soundclick account just to post this cover. :D
Timothy Lawler said:
But I've got to respect the dedication it took to create an HR and a Soundclick account just to post this cover. :D got me there!!! and just when I was tryin' to be all serious and stuff :D
Well At least this one hurts know one ;)
I have to say around Portland it's getting to be all GNR all the time. One station plays Sweet child of mine & welcome to the jungle 20 times a day and now I heard them on the classic rock station the other day :eek: .

I had Apetite for distruction on tape way back when and wore it out. I've had my fill ;)

I actually thought it was pretty funny. I like a lot of GnR songs but Axl does get pretty annoying to me. In fact, I don't really like him at all.
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I might've missed the point as I've always thought Axl & the Gunners catalogue to be a running joke that became a running sore.
There were SOOOOO many other talented bands & artisits at that time who were eclipsed by the shenannigans of mock rockers - I mean November Rain was such a hair metal song.
Luckily a couple of members have redeemed themselves in later, less famous, incarnations whereas Axl is... well Let's hope that Chinese Democracy happens in China before it becomes a reord.
Oh & don't forget that some of the best rock began as a sophomoronic joke.
I thought the vocal styling was pretty close.
Ha!!! I love it!!Not to far off on the vocals from when I heard them a few years back(tour with buckethead on guitar) :p .