Triaxis as a Effect


New member
Hi - Looking for input on this setup:
I have been using my GP100 with my Triaxis for some now. I use it
in a rather "bizarre" way. I've played around with different configurations
but this one definitely sounds the best. I've "killed" all the "preamps"
sets from the GP100, and have substituted the triaxis ( S/R ) in its
place. Wow ...great sound.

But, I'm a bit concerned because of "look-in" impedance. The triaxis input
is typically expecting a guitar to be plugged in. But in this case, its
actually the GP100's send (Right only - coming back as stereo). The spec
for the triaxis says its input impedance is 1Meg Ohm. What does the send
"look in" impedance on the GP100 read? (I've no idea ..don't have
equipment to test that).

GP100 send[LeftOnly]->Triaxis Guitar Input[X]
then from the
-> Triaxis Record[L][R] -> to the GP100 Returns[L][R]

Then out of the GP100's stereo output into my EchoGina Card for Sonar recording.

This is a strange setup because most would apply the effects thru the send/return of
the triaxis. I've tried this and it sux badly ...mainly because I can't place where
in the chain the effects will be applyed. Plus, I can't do "speaker simulation" that way.
By using this method I can place my "preAmp-triaxis" anywhere in the chain of events, typcially
right up front so the effects are applied to the output.

Have a listen: