Travelling in the usa

We saw a Cirque show - Love - it was really creative and fun. That's why we went there in the first place. But aside from the music, lI don't see the point of the place.
I don't care for Vegas. I love Lake Tahoe though. The southwest is very beautiful I agree. I love the nappa valley too. When visit San Francisco I love the drive across the golden gate and on into wine country. Man, there is really some beautiful scenery there. It's like every bend you go around has a stunning landscape and you want to take a picture.
Every picture you take is a wall hanger too.
The redwood forest is awsome.
That is one of my favorite trips....San Fransisco.

The whole west coast of Canada and the States is beautiful. The Southwest is beautiful too. The rest of the continent is a bit tame by comparison.
Okay, I'm aiming at recording. I didn't get one good talk over a beer out of this road trip, so I'm changing my direction. I'm aiming, not just at recording, but at having beers over talk about recording.
Just spent the last five days in Spokane, WA and Lewiston, ID. Got to admit, after all the fires, it's not as beautiful as it was when we left 8 years ago. Did get to go up to StuGort's lab and see the new truss rod system he's worked on the last two years. Pretty amazing. Good visit! No beers over tables though as we went when he was working and I don't drink...not sure if he does or not, never came up in the conversation.

Anyway, Spokane is very Portland/Seattle without all the rain. Beautiful lakes and rivers, great parks. The people are very friendly, but the crime rate is through the roof. Went to a wedding and the people who loaded up all the presents for the bride and groom had their garage broken into that night and a bunch of presents and tools out of his garage went away. Kind of sad, really...

Really PC, though. My brother kept warning me about my jokes...cause people could get offended by using the grocery dividers at the checkout to build our southern border because nobody violates those...really? That's humor. It's not derogatory. It's not saying "all illegal aliens are rapists and murderers." It was just a huge exaggeration, and people are 'likely' to be offended? Psh. Grow some skin.
I went to Stu's a couple of years ago and he showed me what he's up to. Pretty damn amazing. The guy's very talented. I like his music a lot, but I think his guitar-making has overtaken even his music. That's high praise.

I don't think he drinks at home. ;)

Spokane's okay, but I much prefer Portland and Seattle. I'm a west coaster, I guess. I'd be happy in any city on the west coast of Canada and the US except LA. But I'd leave all that behind for a chance to live in Santa Fe. I love that arty thing they got going there. Even the bus shelters are beautiful lol. I'm a complete sucker for a place that makes itself beautiful. They've figured out something important.
Loved the purple wood. One of his builds, though, caught me off guard. Main body stock was cedar. I said, "If you drop that thing it'll split six times." :)
Guess the ideal is not to drop your guitars. I'll have to work on that :laughings:
If I'm not mistaken, he's even made stuff out of bamboo. I love the way he experiments.
Yes. He was talking about the composite structure of the wood from it's manufacturing. Not sure if that would be good tone...the cedar on the other hand would pretty much guarantee you would not have moth damage on your acoustic panels. :laughings:
Seriously, he experiments with a lot of tonal and non-tonal woods and I'm sure there's a lot of science behind what he does.
Yes, but cedar is very brittle...and usually reserved for acoustics, yes?
The tone I was wondering about was composite, manufactured bamboo. I guess it's very dense. That would probably be a good thing.
Yes, but cedar is very brittle...and usually reserved for acoustics, yes?
The tone I was wondering about was composite, manufactured bamboo. I guess it's very dense. That would probably be a good thing.
Well, actually pine telecaster bodies are very popular now days. Pine is a very brittle wood too when dried. I don't think cedar would be any more prone to splitting than pine.