Trashing Cubase 5 preferences


New member
Hello! I'm having problems with Cubase loading some of my effects on a song. I've read that trashing preferences can solve such a problem.

Can anyone please tell me what "trashing preferences" means and how to do it? Are there any risks of data loss, and should I back something up before doing it?

Thank you!
Wait, you can do this in safe-start mode by pressing <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<Aly> during program startup. Well, I think it works with Cubase 5. I am on 7 now so not sure.

It will give you instructions. 'Disable program preferences' will temporarily start Cubase with default preferences so that you can see if that is the issue.

Nope, nevermind. Just tested it with Cubase 6. It must be a Cubase 7 thing. Carry on...

You can just copy the whole 'User Settings Data Folder' to a new folder on your desktop. If starting Cubase with them deleted does not work, you can drag them back in.
Hello Jimmy,

Wait, you can do this in safe-start mode by pressing <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<Aly> during program startup. Well, I think it works with Cubase 5. I am on 7 now so not sure.

It will give you instructions. 'Disable program preferences' will temporarily start Cubase with default preferences so that you can see if that is the issue.

Nope, nevermind. Just tested it with Cubase 6. It must be a Cubase 7 thing. Carry on...

Yes, that is a Cubase 7 only feature. ;)

To the OP I will recommend that instead of deleting the folder or its content, you simply rename it (E.g. Cubase 5 backup).

Then you can drag the files inside one by one in case you had some preferences like: Key commands, or default settings that you didn't want to lose.

Best regards,