
Transient response is the reaction of an electronic circuit, or electromechanical device, or acoustic space to a non-repetitive stimulus such as a step or impulse response. It is the result to a sudden change in the input that is nonperiodic. For example, percussive instruments produce primarily transient sounds. The transient stimulus and resulting response are characterized by the amplitude and the rise time (and fall time if it is an impulse), overshoot, and settling time. The standard reference is to note the maximum amplitude and the time required to reach within 10% of the steady-state value.
When people talk about transients they are usually referring to the attack of the sound and the high end. Like the pick sound on a guitar or the snap of a snare.
if you look at a track with a wave editor such as sound forge, you will see a bunch of little spikes hitting up near 0 db.

And when you turn the master volume up they clip, hence you use a limiter to "tame the transients". Those spikes as far as i know are reffered to as transients.