Transferring user presets for SoundForge from one computer to another


New member
Ok, long and short is I got my new machine in and am currently in the process of migrating all programs and files from 2 older desktops to my new machine. Obviously I wanna install SoundForge on the new machine, but am at a loss of how to transfer all my presets. I'm talking about my own normalization schemes, EQ, WaveHammer and all that. I don't really want to have to try and rebuild that shit from scratch. Some of them took a while to get just right (like proper EQ and noise reduction to use for cleaning audio transferred from crappy cassettes), and I'd hate to have to redo all that stuff from ground zero...

If anyone knows what would be the best way to do this, please lemme know. I saw a file called forge.udat or something like that and thought it might have been a user data file, but it only opens as gibberish in Notepad or Wordpad so there's no way to know for sure.

If anyone can offer some help, I'd appreciate it...

Yeah, I tried preset manager and it worked, but I was using SF5.0. I d/l-ed the Sony preset Manager only to find that the Sony PM and the SF5 PM saved in totally different formats.

Regardless, your reply pointed me in the right direction and I was able to accomplish what I set out to do in the 1st place. Thanks a lot...