Transfering 8-track analog to 8-track digital


New member
Is there a better way to do this?

Right now I'm playing one track at a time, while recording each track onto its own digital track.

It's a pain in the butt to get all the tracks to line up correctly.
You either need a soundcard with 8 inputs or a timecode track striped to one of the analog tracks. Then the computer would sync up to the timecode track with a SMPTE reader.

You can get a SMPTE box for under $200 used but you would lose one track on the analog deck for time code. The Delta 1010 is a pretty popular soundcard if you want more inputs.
Well,depending what your looking to do. Edit each track seperately?(add effects,eq, etc...) or looking to get more than 8 tracks by saving 8 then adding more of your analog tracks to get maybe 16? You will need to get some type of sync hardware. If you just want to mix your 8 down into stereo to create a cd, playback your 8 while your mixing software is recording it thru your sound card and create 1 wav. file. You should be able to add effects or eq but it would affect the whole file not each track. I've gotten some real good quality cd's off my Fostex 4 track I've had since 1988 this way. But you should look into going digital. You can buy a Fostex MR8 8 track digital for 300.00 bucks as opposed to sync hardware for 200.00. And Fostex has a free program to download called wav_manager that imports your individual tracks straight to your pc, mix them down export back to MR8 and keep on repeating the process til you run out of tracks. And the quality is great. Just a tip. Go to a Guitar Center. They have a 30 day return policy. If you don't like it take it back. No risk. There's tons of software out there. A lot under $200.00 Happy Overdubbing! pj