Trade Secrets


New member
Trade Secrets might be a song about an obsessive lover or stalker, or it just might be something I wrote for the hell of it.

Please, have a listen. Now, granted, you might not be able to hear the lyrics very well...but considering that it was one of my first recordings, I don't think it's that bad. I figured I'd dig it up before I do the demo recording for contrast. You be the judge.

Check it out (while you're there, check out No Turnin Round)

Like the song, nice chord progressions, good tone on the guitar. Did you use a click track? The strumming pattern makes it seem like the guitar is racing ahead of itself at times. Great vocal too, very much like Chrissie Hynd.

Good job
I for one like heavy compression once in a while but I think you could possible EQ out some of the snap.
Hi there,

Love the picking pattern - like the style, really reminds me of Phil Ochs' delivery on gtr.

I was going to tell you to make the guitar brighter, but that change around into 0:45, really sounds good. I don't know if you EQ'd for it or it is the tonality of the gtr, but it sounds good.

I really love your voice, I can hear the Chrissie Hynde reference. The urgency of some intonation against the loose, late (in a good way), delivery of the "Trade Winds" hook is really well done.

EQ wise, I would have liked to hear a little more air in the entire track, but really good sound. Maybe also a little less reverb or a smaller room or more pre-delay on your vocal would be good. It's a nice sound which is a little far back for my taste.


Well Actually

It was the guitar and the effect. The guitar was one of those crappy stratacoustics. I wanted to implement a Maltshop echo so that I could later lay a nice ghastly lead fill. I am going to give it more of an acoustic resonance on the demo track with my Taylor. So, it will be slightly brighter but the effect won't change much. Hope you guys stick around long enough to hear the demo version.
It was literally my first recording on my Fostex. It was the very first Copyrighted song. That's pretty old, I guess.
Anyway, the mixing advice is welcome, but you probably should know that I am aware of the timing, the sound...etc. This is by no means a finished product.
BTW I didn't use a metronome, are you crazy?!!! I'd still be working on it if I did. :)

Qwerty and Bulls....thanks so much for your compliments.
Outlaws....give a girl a break! I'm not an engineer...and I can't afford one either ;). I didn't EQ was a straight burn with the crappy effects on my Fostex. Could you imagine how much better it would be if a professional got their hands on it? Anyway, I probably should buy a mixer eh?
Nice piece

I woud bring the vocals up a little. The reverb is a little heavy.

Other than that, it's a nice piece.

I like the tension the guitar creats here.
The vocal goes well with it.
I couldn't understand all the words, but thats rock and roll for ya:D
How did you make out with your dad's song "Moma's Boy"?
I can see why he was wanting to have you sing lead on it.
Tell the old man I said hi:)


Thanks Sloop, I agree on both comments...but for the sake of nostalgia, I think this version is pretty cool. We are working on a cleaner and more timely Trade Secrets, so stick around, it'll be out soon.

Hey Hevy! Thanks again! Momma's Boy is still in the conceptual stage (I haven't been to dads house to record the vocals). Did you do an inst. collab with him on that one?
I am sure that around Christmas time (if not sooner) we'll get that one out. We've got a few others that need to be put together for copyright (which we wrote together) that we also need to get out so, I am due for a trip up to the ol' man's house anyway.
Right now, dad is helping me out on the lead fills for my demo. I'll let him know you asked about him next time we talk.

Hey guys, if you liked what you heard, check out my website and sign my guestbook ;)

Hasta la Pasta
I like the tune.

You've got a good voice - fits great. Must agree with the Chryssie Hynde (sp?) comment earlier.

I don't have a problem with the reverb.

Guitar sounds good.

But, as you said, it's hard to hear the vocals. I'm big into lyrics and I'm just having to work too hard to hear them. As a result, I think it hurts the whole song.

Rather than bringing up the vocal, how about bringing down the guitar ... and/or maybe panning the guitar slightly left or right to give room for the vocal.

This is a simple arrangment and shouldn't need a proffessional to give it a decent sound.

I can hear the compression pumping.

raising the threshold...
up the release time...
or both.

double track the guitar...

remove the reverb on the vocal and put a lite and short reverb on the mix buss. this will pull the vocal and guitar together.

if you don't care to double track the guitar, consider panning the guitar to 1 o'clock and the vocal to 11 o'clock with a lite and short reverb on the mix buss
bpoco, thanks! This version has a special little place in my, I am glad to hear that you like it. The demo version will have audible lyrics.

Sonixx, I have mixer on my christmas list! So, been going strictly off the effects on the Fostex. This was me trying to figure out how to work the Fostex while putting together the tracks to send off to Copyright. Promise, will re-record!