Tracktion 2.0 vs. Sonar Home Studio 4/4XL


New member
After a long break, I'm ready to start recording on my PC again. Since most of the computer related hardware and software I have is seriously out-dated at this point, I'm looking to upgrade my current setup. Funds are limited at this point, so price is a serious consideration, especially since I will need to buy new hardware AND software.

About a month ago, I downloaded the Tracktion demo - I like it a LOT. Still, this is only the second version of the software, so I'm a bit hesitant to go in that direction. The last time I recorded, I was using Cakewalk Professional (or maybe it was Pro Audio), which got the job done, but not without some problems. I also never got completely comfortable with Cakewalk or its interface - I found it useable, but it certainly wasn't the most intuitive app I've ever used.

Any advice on choosing one of these applications over the other? Should I be concerned about Tracktion's relatively short lifespan? Is Sonar's interface an improvement over Cakewalk's?

Also, are the advantages of the XL version worth the extra $'s?
Tracktion's great. I'm still using the first version on my laptop and haven't had any problems since I got it in last December. :)
If you like it.. go with it!!!
It's largely personal opinion, I think. Both are quite stable, so it comes down to features and UI.

I really like Tracktion, but have considered giving SHS a run too. Unfortunately CW doesn't give trials for SHS, which is disappointing.

For the time being, I'll probably just stick with T1.6; since it's not broken, I won't fix it.
Another vote for Tracktion. I have T1 on one comnputer and T2 on another. A fair amount of the release glitches of T2 have worked themself out now. Simple user interface.
Tracktion 1 was a no-crash, no bugs proposition right out of the gate. T2 is the same. If all things were equal, the passel of plugins that come with T2 would tip me in that direction.
yes, those plug ins are definately swaying me in that direction.

I'm sorry I missed the boat on Tracktion 1.0 - it was a free download?
What is mixing like in Traction 2.0 or Sonar? Do either have a mixer?

Also, is there a way to adjust bass/treble in these apps other than an eq plug in?
Mixing is fine in T2. Better than T1. The only thing I'm not a huge fan of is automation. Takes me forever.
How else can you adjust the EQ without using an EQ plugin? That would be the first place I would look.
pdadda said:
How else can you adjust the EQ without using an EQ plugin?

I don't know...I guess from using real mixers, I always find myself looking for a bass/mid/treble tone stack on the Cakewalk mixer. Of course, you wouldn't be able to be as precise with that type of eq tweaking.
Theres not much difference between eq as plugin and eq as part of software mixer. It's all soft and digital. If thats what you ask.

But if you are running your mics/instruments through a real mixer before sending it to your computer.. sure you can use the hard eq.