tracks skip when using effects..?


New member
I'm currently using Kristal audio.

I can record at least 8 or 9 tracks with no worries.. but as soon as I start putting reverb and compression effects on the channels and eq on a few everything goes chunky and starts skipping around...
it mixes down ok ... but it's hard to hear what the effects are sounding like when mixing.

Is the issue computer speed? What's the alternative way to use effects?
If your CPU usage is maxing out, then yes you most likely need a faster processor.
You could try and raise your buffers and see if that helps.
Effects like delay and reverb can be put on an Aux channel or as an insert on a group. This way you only have one instance of that effect running.
EQ and compression, on the other hand, pretty much have to be used as inserts on a track by track basis where required.