track problems


New member
i cant seem to "layer" my recordings with out getting them into a mush. I record one guitar track onto cubase, then i put on my headphones so i can listen to the track and then record a 2nd guitar part, but it records whats playing on my headphones aswell as what im already playing, making a mess of the 2nd track.

How can i avoid this??

Sounds to me like it may be a problem with your interface, not with Cubase. What you're describing should never happen, unless you're using open-back headphones cranked WAY up, and recording thru a sensitive condenser mic at the same time.

You seem to have a signal routing problem. Make sure that the track you're recording to has the correct hardware input selected, and that your monitoring output isn't in any way crossed up with that input.
Standard Soundblaster problem. You need to tick "What you hear" off somewhere in your sound cards control panel (maybe it's a fader, I'm not sure, but that's where the problem is comming from).
must admit im abit of a noob at recording ( if you've already guessed!), i just plugged my mic and headphones into seperate ports on my computers tower. Ive no proper gear yet just trying to get used to cubase before i buy some proper mics and an edirol fa101, whatever one of them does :confused:

also a mixer aswell :rolleyes: