tough midi question


New member
Does anyone know a method that will allow me to transpose a note-on message, say from C1 to C#1, by pressing a sustain pedal or some other controller?

Here's why:

I have an older electronic drum set, tyically used with a real hihat, so it does't have any way to use a footswitch to change from a closet hat to an open hat. I don't use the drum module for the actual sounds because its so bad sounding, so it just sends the midi data to the computer and a drum machine. I have a pad programed to play a hihat, but I have to switch manually to get an open hihat sound to trigger.

I was thinking I could have the sustain pedal from my keyboard sending on-off data, and by some method or other have that cause a note transposed up to a different sound. The effect would be to have the sustain pedal pressed when I want a closed hat (C1), and when I let off with my foot, have an open hat sound(C#1).

I've seen ways to do similar things but not this. help.
Do you have a pedal footswitch insert on your drum brain.
I can do that with a simple keyboard pedal plugged to my d4 module and assign open and closed hat.
Or if thats no option, if your drum software program has an editor, you can just enter the open notes where needed with the mouse. You will need to assign the open hat to only have 1 voice so when its see's a closed note it will silence the open hat.
It has a footswitch insert but it only seems to be for switching patches.

I know I can always edit the notes after recording, add an open here and there, no problem. But I want to be able to do it real time, and play it rather than edit it afterwards.

It's hard to believe that footswitch insert on the brain doesn't do the job, but I've tried just about everything to get it to work, and there doesn't seem to be an option to transpose the note value using it. On the otherhand, I don't have the manual and can't seem to find one. Its an old yamaha ptx8 from the 80's probably. maybe I just haven't found the right menu, but I doubt it.