Totally confused


New member
I went out and bought Absynth, Halion, Pro-52, Battery etc... and recorded a whole bunch of tunes.
Now I post em online and everybody says how cheesy the synths sound.

I thought I'd bought the best on the market....
What gives?
Are they saying that because they are jealous of you,perhaps?
Do your songs sound good to you?

Compare your sounds against this:

...and tell me what you think...

What are the links to your work-I would love to give it a listen...

Schmange said:
I thought I'd bought the best on the market....

I could only listen the first song ('covert operation') because of my slow connection and I found it very pleasing indeed. I can easily imagine it in a film soundtrack - the instrumental track sounds quite complete.

As far as the flack you've taken from my fellow HR critics, you've got to keep in mind that they may well not be into the same type of music that you are. From my perspective the synth sounds are fine and the drums don't sound tinny or cheesy -- but I listen to a bunch of music that's in the same general bag as 'covert operation'.

As far as adding anymore soft synths to your pallate I would recommend you dig into what you've got now and experiment with layering and programming. You have pro quality stuff, and from the song I've heard are producing pro quality material.
bat63 said:
What are the links to your work-I would love to give it a listen...

You will find all the mp3's your heart desires in the appropriate forum. It's in the last group of forums and is cleverly titled 'mp3 mixing clinic'.
A few thoughts:

1.) If you used presets people may already know them and are slamming you for that.

2.) Maybe your arrangement/song wasn't so hot.

3.) Maybe the sounds are cheesy.
Well Schmange,those other guys must be jealous because I thought you did a fine job on "Covert Operation".The mix and the sounds are all top drawer stuff!
I'll listen to your other selections when I can,but hey man,great job!

"Final Flight" just confirmed what I already knew...


Those critics of yours need to quit *shooting* arrows and start *making* them.......

Your mixes are better than the Iron Chef!!!

Keep it up man!
