Top Studio monitor choice?


New member
I AM LOOKING foward to buy a studio monitor(that can tell a true story of a song). In a way, i don't want a monitor that makes my music sound good, i want it tells me the problem of a music.
anyone have any idea which model to buy?
fakeness said:
I AM LOOKING foward to buy a studio monitor(that can tell a true story of a song). In a way, i don't want a monitor that makes my music sound good, i want it tells me the problem of a music.
anyone have any idea which model to buy?

This is a very involved question that probably doesn't have a right answer. You can probably narrow things down by telling us the price range you are looking at.
well you asked an incomplete question:

consider your acoustics, too. Without that you're wasting money.

Depending on your money:

Mackie HR824 are standard studio speakers. Wide sweet spot, good margin of error, etc. However, I personally hate them for that reason and others.

Genelec, Tannoy, Eggleston, JBL and Event are some good brands to check out.
fakeness said:
In a way, i don't want a monitor that makes my music sound good, i want it tells me the problem of a music.

Yamaha NS-10, it's famous for not making your music sound good.

I use KRK's myself, which I find fall nicely between flattering and tiring.

Give budget if you want usable answers.

i say...

A monitor that can give me a "correct image" of the sound.
Which means i won't get too far away after i mastering a song with this pair monitors.
fakeness said:
A monitor that can give me a "correct image" of the sound.
Which means i won't get too far away after i mastering a song with this pair monitors.
Good luck.... speakers used for Mastering are COMPLETELY different-sounding beasts than ones used for tracking/mixing...........
In your price range I will reccomend what I always do. Dynaudio BM6 if your room is not big enough for BM15's. I have yet to hear a monitor in thir price range that sounds as good. Other solid options would be Quested, Truth, and even Emes. Personally, I have never been impressed by any of the ADAM's smaller than the s3a's ( and maybe even the s2.5a's) which are well out of your price range.
xstatic said:
Personally, I have never been impressed by any of the ADAM's smaller than the s3a's ( and maybe even the s2.5a's) which are well out of your price range.
Funny - I've compared both the S3As and the S2As and find they're very similar in terms of overall sonics and imaging....
Well, we all have different opinions:) I know that there are many people out there who have the same opinion that I do concerning this one. However, there are also many people who really like some of the smaller ones that I don't care for.
I find my Event PS6s to be brutally honest. I payed a little US$300 for the pair on eBay, which may be more than CDN$2000.
xstatic said:
Well, we all have different opinions:) I know that there are many people out there who have the same opinion that I do concerning this one. However, there are also many people who really like some of the smaller ones that I don't care for.
Proving once again just how very subjective monitor selection is!
Spot on Bruce:) As you well know, after doing this stuff for long enough and work with so many different pieces of gear, it is really easy to form a real opinion on things. I know for fact that I am that way, and I am certainly not afraid to voice those opinions:D Just like how I personally don't care for the much beloved RNC's.....