Took PARIS on the Road!


New member
I had a songwriters showcase thing for some publishers recently and took along my PARIS rig to record it.. I wrote this song a couple weeks ago and this was the first performance of it live. Just me and a couple friends on stage.. Just some Taylors and a bass guitar all live.. Basiclly just a songwriter thing so not looking too much for a critque on the sound aspect or mix since I was on stage heh just wanted to share a new song... BTW song is a true story inspired by my grandparents.


you've got this thing down to an art. It sounds fab.

I wish my studio recordings would sound that good compared to your live work. Is that the 4033 on vox?
Check those id3 tags. I'm pretty sure there's already a band called Toad The Wet Sprocket. ;)

The sound is just terrific, and I enjoyed the song. Very very solid, sir.
heh can someone tell me why the hell it does that when I encode an mp3 ? Damn thing always names it something else and its normally funny.. BTW thanks for the comments guys
You might want to get a seperate id3 tag editor.

I personally use MPEG Audio Collection, but that's just because it also organizes and catalogues my mp3 CDs. Very useful little program, if you happen to need all of those things. But there are plenty of programs that do nothing but edit id3 tags, too.

Thumbs up! That's a great sounding tune. Very inspiring.

That PARIS rig seems to sound really clean!

Keep up the good writing,