Toneport UX2 thoughts and review


New member
I got a UX2 Toneport the other day and figured I would tell you guys what I thought about it. I had looked around a lot before I bought it and noticed there wasn't that much information on here about it. My first thoughts when opening the package was that it seemed a little cheap. It is very light and made completely of plastic. I figured it may be a little more "dense" feeling but it wasn't. After I plugged it in and installed it, I still had a little trouble getting it set up to play sound. I finally figured out that you need to set it up as your default sound card and you also have to pick the source that you are using (in gearbox). After I got everything working though I was very impressed with it. Gearbox has a lot of features to play with like mic placement, pre-amp ect.... The tones for guitar in gearbox do sound a little digital I have to admit, but I did notice that if you multitrack your guitar with differen't amp models it begins to sound pretty decent. This thing will be a dream come true since I live in an apartment with roomates and can't crank my amp up. I have played with Amplitube before but I thought the tones pretty much sucked. Also it's hard for me to get into recording playing a track clean and then swamping it with distortion later. I personally need to hear it all at once. I record with Adobe Audition and the UX2 works fine with it. One problem I did run into though was that I had to make sure that the UX2 and Auditions recording defaults matched i.e.(44100 16 bit) because Adobe will crash until you do. The vocal pre amps in gearbox are cool to. You could play with it for hours just messing with all the different effects. Anyway, I just wanted to give people my two cents in case anyone was thinking about purchasing one. Overall, I thought that the UX2 is a pretty cool piece of equipment and is definately worth the money.

PS. Usb powered devices rock (one less wall plug you have to worry about)
Thanks for the review! I was also thinking about this and found little to go on.

Your review was very helpful to me. :)
Check the Line 6 forum here for lots more info

I also have a Toneport UX2, I previously (and still) own a Pod XTL and a Variax. The combination of all this is great. I can run POD into Toneport can get doubled amps and effects, I can run Variax to POD and Toneport at the same time and get two differnent amps out of the same guitar playing.

The vocal and bass stuff is very handy and it's an easy to use self-powered interface. I had this and the Presonus Inspire for a couple of weeks of trial and much prefered this for all it's effects and modeling over the more straightlaced (though good) inspire.

The only drawbacks I can come up with are (1) Not easy to reamp guitar tracks (this is easy with POD) (2) only two inputs can be recorded at once and stereo counts as 2.
June Recording Magazine has Toneport Review

June Recording Magazine has a nice article about the Toneport FYI!!!
Reviewer was impressed with the Preamps :cool:
I get to open mine tommorrow for Father's Day :D
Can you get really heavy distortion with the toneport software? I'm trying to record black metal with my PC, but mic'ing my amp or using this little preamp box I have results in way too much hiss because of the distortion. I'm thinking something like the toneport where the distortion is applied instead of being input with the guitar might get better results.
TonePort is nice!

FullMetalJagoff said:
Can you get really heavy distortion with the toneport software? I'm trying to record black metal with my PC, but mic'ing my amp or using this little preamp box I have results in way too much hiss because of the distortion. I'm thinking something like the toneport where the distortion is applied instead of being input with the guitar might get better results.
I spent a couple of hours with mine yesterday! Very nice unit. It does give you many different distortion options plus most of the amps have an overdrive feature added that they might not have had in their original "vintage" design-example: Fender Deluxe Reverb has an added "drive" function. You can also deep edit and make your own pre-sets.
I took a Pat Metheny styled guitar amp emulation and modified it so it now sounds like a Michael Stern style guitar amp sound and I was able to save it as a "user" pre-set. PLUS! It has a HISS REDUCTION BUTTON should your amplifier choices have substantial hiss based on the actual tone set-up.
The TonePort also has bass guitar amp emulations and some nice microphone pre-amp emulations. For $199 (for the 2 channel UX2) it does a a whole helluvalot. (The 2-channel UX2 provides a nice stereo spectrum and I dont know if the 1 channel UX1 does the same.) Go to the Line 6 website and check it out in more detail. In fact, go to the PODxt section and listen to the guitar sounds (w/headphones:) then go to the Toneport section. (The PODxt may be more of what you are looking for although the Toneport provides a lot of extras w/ the bass amps and pre-amps....)
PS-I bought mine more for the bass and pre-amp features as I already own the PODxt. I ran my sE ELectronics SE2200 LDC through the mic-pres and there are noticeable differences to be sure. lots of tone control too!
"This thread is useless without clips!"


Seriously, I'd love to hear a clip-r-two. Especially of the mic pre models.
hi ppl..recently i jus bought toneport ux2 n im havin trouble either wit my toneport or e ableton live lite 4 software..i think its e latter..i experienced e blue sreen of death while doin some recording...i did not experienced this wen im opening gearbox only happens wen im running ableton life lite 4..i sent a report to microsoft n heres e link to my problem...
hope u guys can help reali reali lost here... :)
homestudioguy said:
Just go to the website! :rolleyes:
Nice Intro, sound clips and videos galore!!! :eek:
It's amazing what they can do nowadays.......... ;)

Maybe I'm too suspicious, but I would trust HR users examples to be representitive of real world results more than I'd trust the marketing clips. As you said "it's amazing what they can do these days".
lazyeyes said:
hi ppl..recently i jus bought toneport ux2 n im havin trouble either wit my toneport or e ableton live lite 4 software..i think its e latter..i experienced e blue sreen of death while doin some recording...i did not experienced this wen im opening gearbox only happens wen im running ableton life lite 4..i sent a report to microsoft n heres e link to my problem...
hope u guys can help reali reali lost here... :)
Repace yor keboad fist :p
THanks for the review. I am looking for one also. I read the recording review, but with them everything always sound great.

How do you plug it in your computer?
The audio goes through the USB port?
I already have an M-audio 24/96 sound card. DO you think it would be better if I plud it in digital (s-pdif)?