Toneport as Bass DI??


Is anybody using the Line6 Toneport for recording bass? I was looking into getting a DI pretty soon, but started reading about the Toneport. Getting a decent bass sound + possibly getting some new guitar sounds would be cool.
I realize that.. Maybe I should have worded my post a little differently. I know all about the technical details of the toneport. I'm interested in seeing how people feel about the Toneport vs more traditional methods of recording base i.e. via a DI. I was about to shell out the same amount for a DI, but I thought this might work..

I'm not really someone who just kind of wants to fool around with some virtual guitar amps in my bedroom and do a little recording, I want to get a decent bass recording in my studio. Bass has always been a weak point for me, I'm more into guitar and I've never been able to get a bass tone that was all that great that didn't muddy up the bottom. I don't expect the Toneport to "fix" everything, I just want a nice tight bass sound that's pretty usable.

I've read a couple good threads discussing the sample rates, and the fact that it doesn't record native at 96khz. You can record into your DAW this way, but I'm just wondering if this creates issues from tracking to mixdown if I always record my projects at 96khz.

Also, is there any real advantage to getting the UV-2 over the UV-1? I know the technical differences.. I'm just trying to think if I would use that digital output.. I don't think I would.