Tom mics...


New member
For a 4 piece set up, my original plan was to mic both toms with SM57's. But after reading up on it, I found that the ATM-Pro25 is supposedly better for bringing out the low end in the floor tom. So my question is, if I mic the rack tom with an SM57 and the floor tom with the ATM-Pro25, is that going to create an unbalance in tom sounds? In other words, is it best to use the same brand and model of mics for the toms?
name_goes_here said:
Does anyone know anything about the Pro 25? I have no way to audition these mics which kinda sucks...

I bought a set of them for my toms, and they are AWESOME Mics!

I almost had to fight my singer over one of them, because he also liked to use them for vocals when we practiced. They have such a tight pattern, that there was virtually no feedback....where other mic's were feeding back.

They are great for toms...heck, I even liked them on the snare...they helped add a little beef to it. The polar pattern is really good for recording, especially if other instruments are in the same room.

Thanks a lot Tim, that sounds really awesome. Would it make sense to use a Pro 25 on a rack tom and an ATM 25 on the floor tom, to bring out some of the low end?
I have been using the e604's lately, and I'm impressed. They are cheap, and they are also great for live applications.
i too have e604's. they sound good, but lack a little low end punch. *this is on my spaun 6ply maple toms... 12x7 and 15x12* i'd assume using stands to mount them (instead of the silly rim mounts) would enhance performance. i grabbed two of em for 180 on ebay. if you're strictly recording, i'd consider getting two budget LD condensers (ala mxl v67g). im still thinking about a sennheisder 421 for my floor tom (in the name of HUGE tone).