Tom mics...AT Pro 25's ???

sponge bob

New member
Can anyone give me a heads up on the AT pro 25 mics?
I've got the ATM25's and they are good for kick & toms, but I've never heard anything about the "pro 25".

Reason is, I need to snag a couple of dynamic mics for toms,
and want to keep the price in the $120 or less range.
Ideas? Maybe some more 57's...

Thanks for the opinions,
Sponge Bob
Pro 25's are dark and have a ton of proximity. So far I have used them on bass cab with success as well as toms. IMO these mics are great for the price.

They are not the most detailed of mics as far as their sound, but do capture low pitched things quite well. To me it is a very rounded sound. I wouldn't use them for a snare mic, but for toms, bass cab, and even bass drum I think they should do just fine.

Hey Sponge Bob
I think that was from post about the AT pro 25. Here is a link.
If that don't work just go to and search AT pro 25. Yes it is a bit dark but that's why I get a really nice floor tom sound with it. I've haven't tried it on a bass cabinet yet because.
1 I have better mic's for that job
2 I usually run the bass direct
But I can tell you I used the mic for about 5 years on my giging bass drum and it's held up well all these years. Really worth the money IMHO