tom and overhead mic suggestions


New member
well i am looking to get some new mics with my d3200 that i am about to get. right now i am using audix fusions on my kit for toms and overheads. they are decent but i would like better. i want somthing to go well with my d6 i use on the kick. im thinking im going to get an i5 for snare. what do you guys suggest for toms? im looking at 57s i5s and e604s. what is your experience with these mics on toms? any suggestions are welcom. also any overhead mic suggestions? the fusions are not do bad but once again i think i could do better.
95% of the drum kits I record I use Shure KSM32s. Toms are usually a mix of Sennhieser 421s and Shure SM57s, but tom mics are the one thing on drums set ups that changes the most.
For overheads, I've always liked the results I get with an X/Y pair of Oktava MK-012 mics.

the sm57s have sounded good on drums for a long time. in todays market you have a vast amount of mics to choose from and you'll probably get quite a few difference of opinions on what is liked and disliked. the i5s, sm57s and e604s will work great on toms and floor toms but some would prefer a different mic for the floor tom like an md421, atm25, audix d4/d6, d112 and few others. others here have recommended the CAD Pro 7 mic pack which is a pretty good deal.
well i am now the proud owner af an sm57 and i i5. today i recorded some acoustic stuff with the sm57 and was very happy with the results. i love my d6 on the bass drum. what do you guys think of the gls audio es-57s on toms? i hear alot of people like them
Unmodded. I haven't tried modded 012s, but I suspect I wouldn't like them as much. Cymbals are harsh enough without opening up the top end further. :)