To Wah or not to Wah......

Wah or no Wah?

  • Wah.....

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • No Wah....

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • They're equally awesome....

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • They equally suck....

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
That's weird, because mine's a little less than my guitar's straight signal...Even with the dial on the RMP cranked, it's still a little less...Love that re-amp box though, that's the best $100 I've ever spent...
That is weird, I'm going to do it again to make sure I wasn't stoned or stupid at the time, both major possibilities. But, yeah, one of the best $100 I've ever spent in my studio.

Sorry to go off-topic there man, the song sounds good, even if you used fake drums ( great actually!!!
Don't worry about it. It's all related. There's no real topic here. The more we talk about, the more I learn. :cool:
While I'm de-railing you thread, tell you something you can do with your ampsims....Record you di like always, then bypass everything except the stompboxes in your ampsim...set up an automation track for a wah & run it through your real may take you a little while to get to feel of it, but you'd be surprised at the results...Total control over the wah sweep on every move...Amplitube 3's stomps are scary realistic too man, their SD-1 emulation is pretty close to my real pedal....just sayin' if you don't have a wah (like me), or any of those pedals, you can use that on your di's through your real amps, & again, you'd be surprised how good they sound....
Ok, no more de-railing your thread
Very cool. I've actually applied some virtual pedals to some of my tracks before going into my amp. I have the WAVES GR3 (I think that's what it's called) and some of the pedals are great for a little enhancement.
On my re-amper's level, I'm positive it's lower than my guitar dude, I use it on a daily basis, but maybe yours is a little different, even if they're the exact same make/model, dunno....If/when you get time, check it out & lemme know....

And on the vst stomps, man, I know it sounds crazy, but it works...Of course, all of them don't sound good, & it depends on where in the chain you use 'em, but the wah pedals in particular can be really usable...If you use 'em on an already amp'd track, I suggest using the mix knob in Reaper's track fx (upper right hand corner of every plug/fx opened in Reaper) to get the best results, along with the plug's mix level itself...

I like the stereo fx (delay, chorus, etc) to go "post", inserted on the track after it's recorded, but again, some of the stomps (od, wah, etc) can sound surprisingly good when tweaked into the sound...
On my re-amper's level, I'm positive it's lower than my guitar dude, I use it on a daily basis, but maybe yours is a little different, even if they're the exact same make/model, dunno....If/when you get time, check it out & lemme know....
I'll definitely check and make sure. I'll let you know for sure.

And on the vst stomps, man, I know it sounds crazy, but it works...Of course, all of them don't sound good, & it depends on where in the chain you use 'em, but the wah pedals in particular can be really usable...If you use 'em on an already amp'd track, I suggest using the mix knob in Reaper's track fx (upper right hand corner of every plug/fx opened in Reaper) to get the best results, along with the plug's mix level itself...
I usually put them right on the track of my previously recorded raw tracks. I'll have to play a bit more with them, so far I've only used a Stomp EQ and an overdrive pedal. I nice combination for another tune I did was Overdrive (stomp) pedal into a real wah set sort of the same way it is for this that I posted. But the main reason I have them is to have some good sounds to monitor with while recording my raw tracks.
I'll definitely check and make sure. I'll let you know for sure.
Yeah man, please do that, because like I mentioned, my RMP's signal is quite a bit lower than what my guitar sends into my amps...

I usually put them right on the track of my previously recorded raw tracks. I'll have to play a bit more with them, so far I've only used a Stomp EQ and an overdrive pedal. I nice combination for another tune I did was Overdrive (stomp) pedal into a real wah set sort of the same way it is for this that I posted. But the main reason I have them is to have some good sounds to monitor with while recording my raw tracks.

Yeah, the od/wah needs to go into the amp itself, but a delay or chorus should go directly onto the track:

Like I mentioned, if you keep an eye on the mix level of the fx, you can make it sound pretty realistic, even if they are vst's...Just depends on what you're after & which fx you use...I know you use Reaper, so that's a plus for you too, as you can adjust how much wet/dry not just in the fx gui itself, but in each track...

Again, sorry to hi-jack your thread dude, but there are lots of ways to get fx in your tracks, even if you're like me, & don't have any...I've been thinking of building a pedalboard, but in all honesty, I've got more than I'd ever need right now with my effects in my daw, & I can change them on the fly if I wanted...If I built a pedalboard & recorded 'em, I'd be stuck with what the mic got...
Don't worry about it, man. This is cool.

By the way, I never use the mix knob on any effects, because I use them as sends. For example, I usually use the Kaujerjus Classic delay but I use it as a send, 100% wet.

I know many guitarists like to record their effects right off the bat, which is cool too. I don't do that, though. Maybe if I ever record a part that really needs the delay or something else to be recorded for rythmic interplay or whatever. But I've never felt a need to record an effect.
I use sends too man, just sayin' if there's one track you need only these fx on, this is how I personally do it...You can see my 'verb sends below the track

And I'm cool with recording the fx as long as they work, but fuck me, it seems I take one step forward & three back...I haven't finished a song in way over a year now, but I'm getting closer to having my album done, so there'll be a bunch of my shitty songs in here eventually....I need to get my shit together on '

Fuck it, I might post a little clip of one of 'em just to see what you guys think about the mixes so far, I have vocals recorded for some of 'em, but again, they're not done...Life seems to get in the way every time I turn around...

Cool song dude, I've been going through this part of the forum today listening to lots of different stuff, & your songs stand on their own dude...good job...:thumbs up:
I dig wah.
I have one but don't do it any justice.
I enjoy hearing it played well.
I'd really enjoyed the song without wah but more with.
I skipped reading everything. I would just like to say that there can never be too much wah. It's my favorite guitar sound, and I rarely get to use it in my depressing singer/songwriter for hillbillies world.

This comment will make you hate me, but your vocal reminds me of weird Al. Not just in this general. Your recordings are phenomenal.
I dig wah.
I have one but don't do it any justice.
I enjoy hearing it played well.
I'd really enjoyed the song without wah but more with.
Hehe....Thanx Ray. :cool:

I skipped reading everything. I would just like to say that there can never be too much wah. It's my favorite guitar sound, and I rarely get to use it in my depressing singer/songwriter for hillbillies world.

This comment will make you hate me, but your vocal reminds me of weird Al. Not just in this general. Your recordings are phenomenal.
Haha. Thanx man. I've heard that before. Maybe from you. :D
I like the wah. It could be even less subtle throughout, maybe.

At :51, I really like the high harmony, it's jiving with the high guitar part there in a really cool way. Great turnaround into the second verse.

"..make it easy to knock me down." -Nice.
I like the wah, personally. Since it's mixed with other guitar textures, I like what it adds.

Nice song, great performances!
I listened again to check on something, and I had the same impression on what's now the third listen: there's a kind of unpleasant penetrating quality to the way this one's EQ'ed. I think you're achieving clarity and separation at the expense of a sound that's pleasant to listen to. You'd know, I'd try to sneak up on this message and couch it in terms that are jolly and not too direct but I'm too tired and unskilled to do that, so I'll just post the impression and let you deal with it. I know you tend not to like negative feedback, but to hell with it, neither do I. It doesn't matter. But the music does.
I listened again to check on something, and I had the same impression on what's now the third listen: there's a kind of unpleasant penetrating quality to the way this one's EQ'ed. I think you're achieving clarity and separation at the expense of a sound that's pleasant to listen to. You'd know, I'd try to sneak up on this message and couch it in terms that are jolly and not too direct but I'm too tired and unskilled to do that, so I'll just post the impression and let you deal with it. I know you tend not to like negative feedback, but to hell with it, neither do I. It doesn't matter. But the music does.
It's not true that I don't like negative feedback. But if it's too vague, it does nothing for me. If someone tells me the song needs real drums when I'm already using real drums, I disregard that advice because it's obvious they have no idea what they're talking about. If someone says that digital sounds brittle blah blah, I stop reading what they have to say because it's obvious they're talking out of their ass and just repeating something they probably read in 1982. If someone starts putting down every "decision" I made on a cover tune, when every one of those "decisions" were already on the original version of the tune I'm covering, it's a waste of my time.

If I get constructive criticism based on objectivity, I always consider it. All through this thread and every thread I've ever started, I tell people I'll take their suggestions seriously and try what they suggested. All the time and almost every time, and that can be verified by reading any of my threads and not cherry picking what you read.

So, I don't know where you get that I don't like negative feedfack. I just don't like negative feedback when it's obvious that someone's just LOOKING for something to suggest or something negative to say as if it's some kind of obligation.

Sorry, your statement is false.

Now, I appreciate your opinion, but I don't know what to do about it since I don't put an EQ on my master. I EQ instruments individually. If there's something in particular you find EQ'd badly, try to let me know and I'll try to fix it. If it's just the "overall EQ" , then all my songs must sound that way because they're all recorded in the same room and pretty much the same way. Not sure what to do about that. I'm not even disagreeing with you. You hear what you hear. But I don't know what to do about " unpleasant penetrating quality to the way this one's EQ'ed". What does that mean to you? Is it "tinny", "boxy", hollow" ? I'll address it if I can, but I don't know what you're hearing.

Funny, the thread for this tune was all about asking for other people's opinions on which version they like better (or hate less). There's even a poll for christ's sakes. On top of that, the tune ended up being half wah and half no-wah based on SOMEONE ELSE'S suggestion. Yeah, I must be totally narrow minded when it comes to other people's opinions. :laughings:
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Yeah, I've never had Rami disregard me out of hand or complain if I point something out that doesn't sound right to me. He either acts on it or decides it isn't something he wants or needs to change, graciously. Maybe it's something about the way I write my comments...
You're my new producer. It used to be Greg, but he seems to be staying out of the Clinic lately. He's FIRED!!!!!! :D

Yeah sorry about that. There are just so many bad people with bad ears and bad ideas in here lately that it just aint worth it anymore. Look at some of the ridiculous comments you've gotten lately. It's sad to me. I don't think your mixes need any help from these miscreants.
Yeah sorry about that. There are just so many bad people with bad ears and bad ideas in here lately that it just aint worth it anymore. Look at some of the ridiculous comments you've gotten lately. It's sad to me. I don't think your mixes need any help from these miscreants.
Hehe...I was hoping you didn't read that, only because I didn't want it to sound like I was obliging you to listen and comment. But I trust your ears better than anyone else's around here, and that's no slight on anyone else.

---------- Update ----------

Wah your brains out.

Why not?

If wah is in your heart...follow it.
Wah my ass off.
Hehe...I was hoping you didn't read that, only because I didn't want it to sound like I was obliging you to listen and comment. But I trust your ears better than anyone else's around here, and that's no slight on anyone else.

No I didn't take it that way. And for real dude, if you ever have something that you really want me to hear, by all means feel free to PM me. I like your stuff and I like listening to it. I'm gonna check this one out right now....I love wahs!