to those that have helped me....


New member
thank you very much........... but after the last post in mixing/mastering to a thread about "cheapy mixers" I am done with you all for your has been invaluable but I am done and will hang out on more proffesional boards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this website is kinda like a library...there are vasts amounts of useful information all over it, but sometimes looking for it you will have to past by crap....if you can ignore the crap, you will reap the benefits......

same analogy applies to the internet.......
nuss - what the hell are you getting upset about?
Ask a question - and you will get opinions. This is a free forum, everyone can express what they think, and that is what makes this such a worthwhile resource. There is no such thing anywhere else. So, if you want to use the resources available here, you "sail through" the personalities and remember any good advise.
Even the thread you get so upset abut has good info. I read something like "instead of buying that cheap crap go to a pawnshop and find a used Mackie" Superb advise!
I read the thread you referred to.. i didn't find anything harsh..

furthermore, why are you going to a pro bbs? they will just say the same thing about the cheaper equipment that is said here..

You've got to realize, too, that there is a large number of people here who are seeking professional quality of their recordings at home.. and since they always ask about cheap, high quality gear, it becomes a knee-jerk reaction to tell them there is no such magical equipment that will get that quality, being better off to save money to buy more expensive gear..

If you know that you are getting something that is affordable and not the best quality, then keeping in mind what I said above, you shouldn't be offended when people slam the brands you use..

besides, when a pro does diss your stuff, or your approach, or whatever, do what I do: count all their spelling and grammar mistakes and have a laugh at their expense (but don't write a post about it.. wait.. did i say that out loud?) :D

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Cyrokk!!! You have just given away you innermost thoughts! You heartless asswipe!!!!!:D :D :D
You have got to remember that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Besides if it were a perfect world you would only get honest opinions from the owners of said equipment, instead of people who post opinions shaped by threads that they have read.

I myself try not to put too much into opinoins here but do pick up a pointer here and there. And try to share my solutions to problems posted here.

Hell If you want to stay away from a certain brand because a few people have had problems with them then do what you have to do. That doesnt mean that you will have problems too. Ive personally have read posts where mackies were said to have a set of harsh mic pres. and behringers sounded better. I personally havent had any problems with my boards.
Its all basically like this:

A Mackie sound better than a Behringer
A fucked up Mackie sounds worse than a Behringer
A Soundcraft sounds better than a Mackie
An Allen & Heath sounds better than a Soundcraft
They all suck compared to an SSL
A Neve Legend makes an SSL sound like shit
The Neve totally sucks compared to a 9098

Conclusion - everyone who doesn't use a 9098 is a retarded good for nothing moron

As long as you know that............. life is simple:rolleyes: