to quantise or not to quantise

when making grooves in cubase do u

  • quantise whole beat

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • leave unquantised

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • use groove quantise

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


New member
Sorry if this has already been done but I was wondering if you guys made decent grooves

A. you left them unquantized?

B. you quantized only certain bits (kick drums etc..)?

C. you got a decent groove in the first place by using groove quantise?

D. you think this is a dumb poll?
I quantize the snare and bass drum, then my cymbal, ride and hats overdubs are live.... (actual cymbals hats etc...)

I don't use cubase, but I think your question applies to any drum programming...
dont quantise unless you feel you need to. that's it basically.

if you quantise something, you must understand that 90% of the time, you will probably take away the feel of the track. i never quantise things like piano or strings or whatever if i am using keyboards to play them. you loose the vibe. but things like dance music, or tracks with strict timing rules may benefit from quantising. there is no right or wrong really.
I quantise most of my drumtracks, it all depends on the track. To avoid that static feeling quantising usually give, I use velocity a lot and on 99,9% of all my tracks I use a delay on the hihat instead of pounding 16. notes of all the time. On piano/keyboardstuff I rarely quantise, but - being a guitarist - if it's too lousy played I move the far out notes one by one and without quantising on, I like it when they are a little off 1
quantise is when you set up your sequencer to automatically adjust midinotes to be as precise as you tell it to ( u know - instead of being slight off the downbeat you can quantise it to be right on 1 and VIOLA! ... you end up sounding like an Amiga 64 ) :p