To Invest In A Booth Or Not......


New member
What are you guys' views on a sort of vocal booth for home recordings? Are they typically a waste or money or are people getting great sounds from their own personally transformed closets or acoustically treated rooms? I have a reflexion filter already but I'm not sure I'm getting all I can out of my vocals.

I'm typically doing hip hop and r&b vocals with a Rode NT1A mic and I'm trying to decide if I'm reasonable in thinking that I can get really good vocals with my SE reflexion filter and current mic or if I need to get some sort of isolation chamber.. or both. What has been working for you guys? Are you getting the sound you want from a treated bedroom, closet, bathroom etc. or is my mic equipment in need of an upgrade?
What are you guys' views on a sort of vocal booth for home recordings? Are they typically a waste or money or are people getting great sounds from their own personally transformed closets or acoustically treated rooms? I have a reflexion filter already but I'm not sure I'm getting all I can out of my vocals.

I'm typically doing hip hop and r&b vocals with a Rode NT1A mic and I'm trying to decide if I'm reasonable in thinking that I can get really good vocals with my SE reflexion filter and current mic or if I need to get some sort of isolation chamber.. or both. What has been working for you guys? Are you getting the sound you want from a treated bedroom, closet, bathroom etc. or is my mic equipment in need of an upgrade?

Hi :) What about grabbing two interior doors from the tip or wherever. Hinge them together and cover the inside panels with rubber underlay, rockwool and some kind of thick fabric. The benefit of this is that the sound is isolated but still open enough that it doesnt suffocate it.

Black speaker fabric is good. Seen it done and it looks very cool. ;)
I'm sure that your singing right up to the microphone ..... right?
If so, the room will have little to do with your sound, unless it's a weird room like an all tiled bathroom etc.
Save your money and don't even think about getting a booth. Don't go into a closet, just get into the middle of your largest room available and belt it out.

Building an actual booth will be a complete waste of money. Building acoustic treatment for your room (NOT your closet) is a very worthwhile investment. Stop by the Studio Building forum and post details. And, before you go any further, completely rule out foam of any sort- yes, that includes "Auralex".
I did a vocal booth image search on google and seen something like this...Ive never tred it but it looks interesting and easy to make...not sure if it would work or make vocals sound better.

You wouldnt want it sitting on a desk and would have to rig something up where you could use it standing up however it may be a simple and cheap project and might be worth checking out.

