to go with a mixer or not


New member
Im about to upgrade my studio to start doing a bit of paid work in my spare time but my dilemma is wether to buy a really nice mixer with good pres or go for outboard pres, Im looking for good quality pres and im going to need at least 10, I have my eye on the TLAudio tubetracker mixer which has some aparently very nice tube pres and a good EQ, also i need to be able to run 8 of the pres into my digi 002 on 1 adat with at least 96khz samplerate, can you guys recommend what would be my best option, Im doing mostly heavy rock but obviously i have to be able to cover a veriaty of diffrent styles for paid work. Im unsure of my budget as of yet but it could be four grand total for the pres.
Well, how about something like the Octopre, and then spend the rest on a few channels of really good pres?

However you can only send 4 channels of 96kHz on a single ADAT cable.
ya it bugged me bout that adat thing but the situation has changed becouse iv been offered a really old amek 24 channel mixer from like the 80s or something and its aparently in great condition, but since the desk is free i might pick up a pair of avalons or something with some of the extra cash.

god im like a kid im so exited, gonna be bout a month before i have it though.