To Be Decided (name of the song)


New member
Yea that is the name of the song. Looking for suggestions on the mix.


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I love this style of music. ... something is missing in the mid/low for me though. I can't put a finger on it, but the whole thing sounds thin. ... it might just be EQ.
Reminds me of ACDC. Love the sound of it! Right up the ally of what I listen too.

I do agree with Clam Soup, there isn't enough low end. I always love bassy songs though. There is definitely a great bass line in the song but you're missing out on it. I'd pump up the bass a bit and see how it clashes with all the other instruments.

Good stuff though! Like the sound
I'm hearing the bass just fine over here, but the guitar could maybe do with being beefier.

You did get Tom Petty to do the vocals though, so I'll let it slide! :p

Sounds cool.