Titanium cymblas


New member
hey im currently on the market for new cymbals and i saw the Zildjian titanium coated ones. has any one had any experience with these and are they a waste of my time??
well basicly they're the ZXTs but with titanium coating on them. they make them slightly brighter but to me it been put on just to look cool, and to me thay dont even do that.
The ZXTs i dont like. how much are you looking to spend and where you live.
if you live in the UK then you have to go Pro Sonixs as arbiter has heavly reduced the price in the UK. New cymbals ermmm i cant really help you much until you tell me your price range. Then i can continue to spread to word of druming and to help drummers for ever...........ermm yes...
well actually i was hoping to buy new drums and cymbals and keep it around $5000. i used to have a meinl hi hat and i loved it, but i hear they are very expensive. i havent got to do much shopping around yet. just looking for some ideas for when i am ready to make the purchase.
well i think that $5000 is £10000 is that correct? if so you definatly do not want the ZXTs. you'll be looking at the high end stuff, zildjain- K, A customs, sabian - AAX, HH, or HHX. erm meinl dont actully know much about them, i used to own a few splashs and ive heard very good things about the Thomas Lang cymbals. i played on them and they're we're very nice. small bells and none in some cases. very quick nice cymbals, good defintion. great for recording.
is the currency converstion right?
On my set, I tend to rotate cymbals a lot, and I currently have the Titanium ZXTs, and I don't think they are that bad, minus the ride. I like the High-hat, the crash is ok, and the splash is a splash.

BUT, they record really well. So if you intend to record with them, I'd say go for it, but in a live setting they don't sound as good as any of the other Zildjians (well, most of the others).

Oh, and I have the standard cymbals, not the rock ones, so I can't comment on those
i see. erm sabian AA i recon. vinne paul from damage plan uses them. i have a few, very nice cymbals, solid but surprisingly versitile. they have a mini series called metal-X which are also good, you cant go wrong with these. they have a short sustain as well - good for recording. take a look.
The ZXT titanium packs cost $400. You can get some of the top of the line Zildjians in packs for a little more, but still less than $500.

That should give you an idea of why those ZXTs aren't exactly the best idea. Yeah, they look sort of cool because they're all flashy, but they're WAY too freaking expensive for that.

If you have $5000 to spend...omfg, why are you looking at these?

You can buy your dream kit and cymbals and possibly have money left over unless you are building a 10 piece double bass drum kit with 20 cymbals.
the kit i was wanting actually was a 9 piece double bass kit. and is istanbul cymbals any good?? i saw some on e-bay for pretty cheap and a lot of metal bands use em.
istanbul is made by meinly, adn yes that are good, but you can do better! $5000 you want nice top end stuff. so start looking bout there.
Dude, I reccomend Sabian AA Metal-X. Because your in a metal band you'll be hitting hard...and you want soemthing that will last.
AAX's in my experience are nice sounding... until they crack.

I have two AAX crashes, passed on from a friend, he bought them and within a month they'd cracked, so sabian sent out some replacements- he passed the cracked ones onto me. needless to say, theyre pretty wrecked two years down the line.

Zildjan K crashes seem sturdier to me. My AA rock crash and my Zildjan K china have outlived the rest of my cymbals

Just my experience though
