Tips, hints, and insults welcome!


Hi everybody, I'm a recording newbie!

I've just made my first attempt at a multitrack recording. I recorded with a Tascam DR-07 (handheld condenser mic/recorder which produced 24 bit .wav files) and did a rough mix using Audacity on a Linux laptop.

I am well aware that I have a sub-par singing voice, but I am eager to learn how I can make my vocal tracks (as well as all the other tracks) sound better, given my limited capabilities as a singer/songwriter/musician. The first draft is below. I am not easily offended, so please be honest: What do you recommend I do to these tracks, and what tips do you have for future recordings? My goal is to learn all I can from you unbiased experts and hobbyists, so don't hold back!

View attachment draft1.mp3
First, post in the MP3 clinic section of this forum!

I'd recommend moving up to Reaper DAW, but I'm not sure it works with Linux OS.