tips and advice for an amateur


New member
i made this recording today, and i'd appreciate it if you guys would listen to it and then tell me anything you can hear that im doing wrong or just give me any advice that you think would help. thanks

the following equipment was used:
-CAD 4 drum mic set(snare, kick, both toms)
-Rode nt-1a (overhead)
guitars and bass:
-sm-58 basically in fron of the amp placed where i thought it sounded best
-rode nt-1a

all these mics went into a yamaha mg-12 mixer, and then into a fostex mr8 recorder. each instrumet was recorded seperately by me. if you don't particularly like this style of music please excuse the yelling. i'm looking for advice because i'm recording my friends band tommorow and i just want these recordings to be the best i have ever done.
thanks ahead of time.
oh and i forgot to add the tracks were mixed on my laptop on kristal audio engine.
and the recording was done in my basement(cement floors, insulation ceiling)
Well, I've heard some punky stuff similar to this, and the recordings weren't as clean as this one. The only thing I hear that might be changed, would be to bring the vocs up a bit in the mix....Most stuff like this tends to center on vocals, and yours were a bit buried in the mix. I think I know what you are trying to do, but maybe not, so I am going on the premise of some early 80's bands like The Crucifux, who were loud, and just fun. They weren't as clean sounding, but probably recorded on a boom box anyway. The sounds were good, so my only advice would be the vocs.....If you want em heard, put them in the mix a bit more, otherwise, leave everything in it's place. Pretty cool for a tune that just kind of assaults you, but not in a bad way.
Dogman said:
Well, I've heard some punky stuff similar to this, and the recordings weren't as clean as this one. The only thing I hear that might be changed, would be to bring the vocs up a bit in the mix....Most stuff like this tends to center on vocals, and yours were a bit buried in the mix. I think I know what you are trying to do, but maybe not, so I am going on the premise of some early 80's bands like The Crucifux, who were loud, and just fun. They weren't as clean sounding, but probably recorded on a boom box anyway. The sounds were good, so my only advice would be the vocs.....If you want em heard, put them in the mix a bit more, otherwise, leave everything in it's place. Pretty cool for a tune that just kind of assaults you, but not in a bad way.
thanks dogman. i get what you're saying aabout the vocals, but the band im recording tommroow for their style really likes the vocals down and likes the concentration to be mostly on the music, but thanks for the tip.
ahj said:
thanks dogman. i get what you're saying aabout the vocals, but the band im recording tommroow for their style really likes the vocals down and likes the concentration to be mostly on the music, but thanks for the tip.

Well, this should work out great then, as they could be heard, but weren't the dominant thing in the mix. Good luck, and post the results.
i think you need to tame the drums. i think some eq and compression would help the drums alot. i know the vocals are set back intentionally but the drums are just knockin the hell out of em. i like the style, chaotic stuff.
I really like this track too, a burst of energy comnes thru.. Is everything recorded through the pre's of the mg mixer..? I think It's a good unpolished recording, suitable for the music style, but yes you would probably need to work a bit on the drums, I think they are too big.. and as allready said, the vocals probably need to be a bit clearer in the mix, they are drowning in drums..

keep up the good work, and please post more when you have some..
travis and drpfeffer, i can ehar what you're saying about the drums, but im pretty new to compression, and i don't really like using something that im not sure about. all i have is compression plugins for my software and i did use a little on the drums but ill try using more, and as far as eqing the drums, each drum wasnt recorded seperately, so would that still be a good idea to eq the entire set?
Sounds like a band that should be on Dischord record. I think the overall level of the vocals are fine, but you might want to turn up certain lines/verses that get lost in the mix. I agree with taming the drums a little.