Timmy: A Southpark Tribute


New member
OK, here's my first posting to the clinic in a couple months -- and it's an odd one!

If you watch the TV show called Southpark then you should get it. If you don't watch it then you'll think I'm crazy, but let me know what you think anyway! :)
R.I.P Timmy

LMAO!You've got the Timmy voice down man.I watch those sick bastards every week.:D
That's hilarious. Just last night I was telling my girlfriend I wanna do a tune with Towlie lines in it. "Um, you wanna get high?"

Funny shit man. Now sing me some Chef.
Oh yeah, Autotuned Timmy for sure. Now I want to hear Chef doing "Suck my Chocolat Salty Balls".:D
By the way, ya wanna get high?
Actually, there wasn't any autotuning going on there, but there should have been! I think what you guys are hearing is my attempt to shout "TIMMY!!!!!" in three part harmony. I didn't quite get it in tune and so you get a funny dissonnance. I may have to try tweaking that part again, but it almost sounds cool. ;)
I guess I have better things to do than watch T.V. But it was interesting. Now I may have to tune the tube in and see what it's about.
I'm going to make a confession here because of Flash's response. There is only one non-educational show I watch on TV- and even then I only watch about 3 hours of TV per month (CNN to find out who's bombing who today, and National Geographic cuz watching lions eat zebras is pretty cool)....

And that show is South Park.

Because it is fucking funny.

The rest of the time I'm figuring out how to tame my upper mids.

Quite the death rattle for ol' Timmy.

"hey guys, have you seen Timmy lately?!?"................"OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooo..............TIMMY"S DEAD!!"

Fade to black....Cue exit music............

Hey Tom,

I've not seen the show in a year or so but, when I did watch, I liked it cause it had subtle referances to the "upper mind" and that was why it was soo funny.......
Oh, and there was the stuff about poop and social contradictions and poop...:D

Hope the show hasn't changed since my departure from cable TV.


I was hoping to hear The Lords of The underworlds Backups lol. Nice timmy voice though.