timing problems...


New member
When I record midi the notes appear in front of the grid, which messes things up. Itterative quantizing won't reacy properly when this happens cause it has a tendensy to let the notes drift towards the wrong gridlines.
I've tried to relocate the ignoreportfilter file so that I can see all of my channels, and I've tried the different channels but it still won't stop messing up the midi...I've also tried to check the timestamp boxes but to no avail...
I'm running C4/Cubase 4, CME UF8 (midiboard). It doesn't just happen on this board either...I've got a padcontroll from korg aswell that won't respond correctly. This is really messing up my rhytm patterns, swings and stuff aren't calculated correctly.

Please help me good people. I'd appreciate it big time
I have all my midi inputs showing, except for the emulated ones. I removed the ignoreportfilter file cause I read somewhere recently that the emulated drivers had a tendendcy to be delayed...there's no doubles there so I don't understand what triggers this problem. I'm running my UF via a usb cable. Don't know if that matters at all though. Thanks for the help so far.
Seeing as you're 4 years older than me I'll be patient with the "trying to remember" thing hehe :) I'm on Cubase 4
Lucky for you I wrote it down long ago. I just had to remember that I did so. :p

I used a work around before figuring out the thing about disabling emulated drivers. Under Device Setup, Direct Music, I checked then unchecked 'use system timestamp' before starting a new project. I don't know why but it worked.

Then I read about the ignore port filter. You don't have to follow steinborg's instructions for that. Just disable all unused MIDI devices. Are you positive that all drivers for your controller are disabled in All MIDI Inputs except the one you need?

Btw, I never got to 4, I moved to Reaper. :p
I think I'd start with one device and go from there. I would set all devices to inactive except the CME's midi out (non emulated) and try recording a midi track. I'd also uncheck 'visible' for each device that you're not using so you don't have to wade thru them all in the track input menu.
I only have two ports open. The CME and padcontroll A. It's really frustrating that it's like this. I'm gonna try to only have the CME open and see what happens. I've tried every other way to solve this, but it might just work. I don't have all that many visible tracks though. Only the non emulated CME and padcontroll A are visible.
Oh How I long to write a post that says: "It worked! Finally I can use Cubase in an efficient way!"...but no...that post hopefully comes later...I appreciate the help I've gotten though. It seems that this doesn't yield any results. There has to be something I'm missing here. Probably something right in front of my face
Man, sucks for you. :D I know how frustrating this crap is.

Are you trying all this in a new project or an existing one? I'd be using a new one.
I've tried with both...I think I....no, scratch that. I'm 200% sure that I hate Cubase right now
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check this one... under device /setup /midi there's a small box something to the effect use systm time stamp... is this ticked??? i've seen it traced to a couple weird problems...
Sadly my problem doesn't get better nor worse if I have it ticked or not. I've tried every conceivable combination in the device menu. With ignoreportfilter, disabling certain ports, without ignoreport...disabling different channels one by one. Ticking off timestamp, ticking on timestamp...I could go on for hours telling you what I have tried. It's easier to say what I haven't tried...I haven't gotten any food yet, so now it's dinner time, and these issues with C4 has gotten the best of me so it's "order in" today hehe