Timeline selection marker


New member
I have a problem when I selcect a bar (or more then one) that I want to loop and the the selection marker is placed at another bar it doesn´t follow it starts to playback from the place where the timeline selection marker is located. Also when I make a pre-roll with 1 or 2 bars the timeline selction marker just starts whereever it is located.
What shall I do. I tried to look in the preferences but I can´t find out what I have done wrong. Last week it worked fine now it doesn´t.
Hope someone can help me

Best regards
That is marked in the prederences. and it still doesn´t play whatever I select. It just starts playback from the beginning of the song.

Do you have dynamic transport selected?

Right click (ctl-click for mac) on the Play button, and make sure "Dynamic Transport" is NOT ticked.

I also had this problem in Pro Tools 8 LE. The BLUE Play Start Marker wass giving me a problem. Under Options on the PC "Dynamic Transport" was checked, I unchecked. You can also use control start P to turn off.