time for a new hard drive


New member
stock drive came with 320 gb....i think its divided into 2 drives c and d....
c has os and music programs on it and ive tried to put all of my pics, etc on the d drive....
im down to 2 gig left in c, and 15 gig left in d of 112 gig total for each....
thinking about getting another internal 500gig to help out...
what would be the best- slash- easiest way to go about rearranging the files , etc ??
thanks in advance.....
nodoubt45 is online now Report Post Edit/Delete Message
it's a pretty good time to buy hard drives... the prices are way down... new egg has terabites for under $100... when you get this... move your music files to the new and keep going... the prog should stay on the system disc... speed should be 7200 rpm... and a bigger buffer is recommended (mine are 32M)