Tiled floor remedy


New member
I live overseas in an apartment where the entire floor is tiled. What can I do in my (small) studio area to the floor to make it more conducive to recording? Rugs? :confused:
tamky said:
I live overseas in an apartment where the entire floor is tiled. What can I do in my (small) studio area to the floor to make it more conducive to recording? Rugs? :confused:
Rugs will act as high absorbers, so if you go that route be sure to have enough bass reduction in the room too.

Remember that unless you are going for a totally dead room there is no nees to have every surface treated. The big problem with hard surface floors is that they are usually directly parallel to an equally hard surface ceiling. So you get slap echos between the floor and ceiling. So you can skip doing anything about the floor and do something diffusing or absorbing about the ceiling.