TI Chipsets..


New member
I've spent a good chunk of time upgrading my signal chain.. just recently purchased a Profire 610 and a generic Dynex firewire card and rigged it up to my pretty-average PC.. With all of these advancements I've made and all of the money I've spent doing so, I've become a bit of a quality fiend!

All my chain consists of is a AT4040, an Art Tube mpa2, and the Profire.. I'm doing voicework/hip-hop type stuff, and I manage to bring the buffer size down to 128 without any clicks, pops, or distortion. The quality definitely meets whatever expectations I may have had, but I've grown into this attitude of always wanting BETTER.. or, at least as much as I can make out of it all :p

As far as the Profire's Host sampling rate, I get it up to 48 in my Adobe Audition just fine, but for some reason it doesn't record AT ALL when I attempt any higher (but from what I've learned, any higher isn't necessary anyway, so I didn't worry about all that).

I stumbled upon this Texas Instruments chipset jungle tonight and how many audio interfaces, M-Audio included, recommend using a firewire card with this chipset in it. Now, my question is-- is this just for those who use a much larger signal chain who look to avoid processing errors and Blue Screens of Death and whatnot? Am I underusing my signal chain as far as RECORDING QUALITY by using this generic firewire card?

I can't seem to find ANYTHING about a correlation between recording quality and TI Chipsets, just a lot of stuff about compatibility, glitches, distortion, etc, and I haven't had any problems with any of that.. Does such a correlation exist?
The deal with TI firewire chipsets is that some interface-computer combinations utilising firewire do not work very well together unless the firewire card has a TI chipset. It is an issue of compatibility, not quality. The TI set has no effect on quality as such.

If you are using, say, a VIA chipset on a firewire card, and it is working okay, swapping to a TI set will make no material difference on recording quality.
It's a very convenient way for MOTU to dismiss with dripping condescension every possible issue you can articulate as being your fault for not using a TI chip.

Call a local computer repair mom-and-pop shop. They'll have some of them lying around.
No difference in quality.

It's a digital process.... it either works properly or it doesn't.

(there ARE other reasons for clicks, pops, etc.... your disks may not be keeping up with data flow. Data flow is EVERYTHING....)
How does a non-TI chipset that is not compatible with your interface act?
Does it simply not connect?
Or does it connect up but cause problems like glitches such?

In other words, if i am getting a non TI chipset, will it either work or not work, or will i not be able to notice right away until i start trying to record stuff?

It should make absolutely zero difference whatsoever. The problem is that companies will stop troubleshooting your issues if you aren't using the chip. Keep one around so that you can rule out the ludicrous for the manufacturer.

It's totally stupid.
It should make absolutely zero difference whatsoever. The problem is that companies will stop troubleshooting your issues if you aren't using the chip. Keep one around so that you can rule out the ludicrous for the manufacturer.

It's totally stupid.

woow... how does a guy get 21.5 million in rep and be so fukin stupid???

the issues do exist... my tascam fw1884 simply would not work on the via chip on an asus board... get an add in card with the TI chipset and voila... runns like a stripe assed ape... go figure... and how did the interface know it was a via?? seems kinda spooky to me...
woow... how does a guy get 21.5 million in rep and be so fukin stupid???

the issues do exist... my tascam fw1884 simply would not work on the via chip on an asus board... get an add in card with the TI chipset and voila... runns like a stripe assed ape... go figure... and how did the interface know it was a via?? seems kinda spooky to me...

Dementedchord, I don't appreciate the characterization. There is zero reason for you to make your disagreement a personal matter.

The fact that you had problems with a VIA chip is not evidence that VIA chips are in any way less functional than FW chipsets from other manufacturers. It is only indicitave that you had a problem. I am using a VIA chip right now and having no issues. How do you explain that?

MOTU tech support swears that one must use a TI FW chip. Of all the issues I have had with the 896HD, swapping in a TI FW card has never helped - even though MOTU tech support comes to a full stop if you aren't using a TI chip. What has been at issue was drivers and driver installation, including the order in which drivers are installed.

IEEE 1394 should work - or not. It is a standardized serial bus interface. It may be that your ASUS board had a bad FW chip, or is otherwise a defective board.
lol...it must be any one who uses ellipsis too often in a sentence...has problems communicating with others correctly...I swear :D
Dementedchord, I don't appreciate the characterization. There is zero reason for you to make your disagreement a personal matter.

The fact that you had problems with a VIA chip is not evidence that VIA chips are in any way less functional than FW chipsets from other manufacturers. It is only indicitave that you had a problem. I am using a VIA chip right now and having no issues. How do you explain that?

MOTU tech support swears that one must use a TI FW chip. Of all the issues I have had with the 896HD, swapping in a TI FW card has never helped - even though MOTU tech support comes to a full stop if you aren't using a TI chip. What has been at issue was drivers and driver installation, including the order in which drivers are installed.

IEEE 1394 should work - or not. It is a standardized serial bus interface. It may be that your ASUS board had a bad FW chip, or is otherwise a defective board.

I agree, it's stupid but I know that it's true. I had issues with a presonus firestudio, on board didn't work, went and got a pci card that didn't have one of the recommended chip sets. That didn't work either. Got a TI from a local repair shop for $5 and it's worked ever since.
Dementedchord, I don't appreciate the characterization. There is zero reason for you to make your disagreement a personal matter.

The fact that you had problems with a VIA chip is not evidence that VIA chips are in any way less functional than FW chipsets from other manufacturers. It is only indicitave that you had a problem. I am using a VIA chip right now and having no issues. How do you explain that?

MOTU tech support swears that one must use a TI FW chip. Of all the issues I have had with the 896HD, swapping in a TI FW card has never helped - even though MOTU tech support comes to a full stop if you aren't using a TI chip. What has been at issue was drivers and driver installation, including the order in which drivers are installed.

IEEE 1394 should work - or not. It is a standardized serial bus interface. It may be that your ASUS board had a bad FW chip, or is otherwise a defective board.

1.)well basicly i dont care... when you tell some newbie that his problems are somehow fictional that erks me...

2.) your charaterization that no one should have problems cause you dont is both myopic and narcissistic... a quick stop at any manufactureer web site documents in some detail the issues... and a quick look at the approved systems at the duc shows how stability issues resolve when useing approved hardware...

3.) i note your issues wityh motu... since i'm planning on getting a 24i/o... but thats between you and motu support...

4.) agreed fw should just work... but maybe there's a lesson from the early days of midi...most errors came from implementaion of controllers not asigned in the spec that manus couldnt agree on... to say nothing of interupts being shared etc...

oh... and... earl... b..i..t..e.. m..e... the use of ellipsis is meant to indicate a casual conversational style ande seems to work in my dealings at this and other sites...
oh... and... earl... b..i..t..e.. m..e... the use of ellipsis is meant to indicate a casual conversational style ande seems to work in my dealings at this and other sites...

why you go girlfriend


I take it your aweful spellink iz part ov that casual coverzation two? :D
1.)well basicly i dont care... when you tell some newbie that his problems are somehow fictional that erks me...

It's irk, and go right ahead and fuck yourself. I don't think noob's problems are fictional, I just doubt that they are the result of not having a TI chipset. I'm allowed to do that, right? :rolleyes:

your charaterization that no one should have problems cause you dont is both myopic and narcissistic...

Me not having issues with VIA chips is exactly as meaningful as you having problems with them - that is, not very meaningful. Not sure how that makes my myopic, narcissistic, or "fucking stupid" - any more than you are for assuming that since you had problems, everybody else must too. See how that works?

i note your issues wityh motu... since i'm planning on getting a 24i/o... but thats between you and motu support...

No issues now, it was a driver installation issue. NOT any failure of the VIA chipset.


agreed fw should just work...

Well, a broken clock is right twice a day. Thanks for being such a perfect douchebag.
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It's totally stupid.

wow.. sent you an answer to your pm about we having issuse4 and no.. as tried to tell you ther i dont actually have one with you... that said....

you were the one who injected stupidity into the thread....

the belief that your incedent with motu however traumatic you may have found it is irrelevent... the narrow view poiunt would seem myopic no???? and to make your problem everyone elses is narcissitic... no???

and earl... think it was sam clemens that said " i pity the man that knows only one way to spell a word...." how about that i suspect the elipsis are his... though the historical record is abit fuzzy about that.........
wow.. sent you an answer to your pm about we having issuse4 and no.. as tried to tell you ther i dont actually have one with you... that said....

you were the one who injected stupidity into the thread....

the belief that your incedent with motu however traumatic you may have found it is irrelevent... the narrow view poiunt would seem myopic no???? and to make your problem everyone elses is narcissitic... no???

and earl... think it was sam clemens that said " i pity the man that knows only one way to spell a word...." how about that i suspect the elipsis are his... though the historical record is abit fuzzy about that.........


You noticed in the thread I told the OP where I thought he could pick up a TI chipset, right? You noticed where I said I picked one up myself, right?

I'm not sure how that translates into me telling the OP his problems were fictional. I just doubt that they are the result of a faulty FW chip.

So no, I'm not myopic, no, I'm not narcissistic, and while you may think I'm stupid it is apparent that you flew off the handle without having even read the whole thread.

Now it's everybody's business what I sent you a PM? Douche. You can be sure you'll never get another from me.