Thumb cuts


9K Gold Member
Cut my thumb - it's deep. Don't even know when or how it happened (been doing some renos on the laundry room) but it hasn't healed for 2 weeks. Can't say I ever saw any blood either.

Went to the doctor and he said it did not require stitches - superficial. Super painful IMHO %$#@. Gave me a prescription for topical antibiotic which did no good.

I bought some New Skin which is apparently the same affect as super glue but I prefer to use it because it has disinfectant and comes off easier so it says.

It's been painful and every time I do something it involves my thumb. Painting and drywalling doesn't help of course. And typi g this message took forever.

Haven't picked up my guitar for 2 weeks and I'm losing my callouses.

Maybe a bandaid snugged up to keep the edges closed for a couple of days? Dry air in winter causes cracks in the skin of my hands that take forever to heal.
I tried that but I wash my hands all the time and bandaids/suture strips just won't stay on. The skin has healed in such a way deep down that the cut won't close even when I squeeze it with my other hand.
I won't make this a competition by posting my thumb-cut photo.
Hopefully Jimmy won't post his either. <shudders>

Welcome to our exclusive club, though. :)
... it hasn't healed for 2 weeks. Can't say I ever saw any blood either.

Shit, that's not normal for a cut.

I sliced my left-hand thumb over the XMas holidays...with a screwdriver, trying to pry a PU cover off a humbucker that I wanted to replace/re-pot. :facepalm:
Lots of blood, and I thought I wouldn't be able to play for a couple of weeks at least, as it would be right up against the neck.
It ended up not being right on the pressure point, kind more to the side, plus I used some 3M steri-strips to close it up, and it healed in like 3-4 days enough to scab over.

Looking at your picture...that to me, looks more like a nasty skin crack, and that would explain the no-blood, and it not healing in two weeks.
You live north, in the dry's nothing unusual to see skin crack like that.

Crazy glue is your friend (oh, liquid skin is not the same as crazy glue).
Put some glue on it and pinch it closed until the glue sets...after about 30 second, while the glue is about half-set...dab it with some clean tissue paper, and it will pull some of the paper lint into the glue, which will act like a band-aid and help close it as it forms a layer of glue and paper lint.

Keep doing that any time the glue lets go and it opens. If you leave it open too long, it just crack wider all over again.
When it heals...lots of moisturizer and gloves to keep it from getting cold and dry again.
Once that shit starts, it tends to keep coming back in the same spot.

I get a crack (smaller though) on the corner of my right thumb, by the nail every time we get into the colder portion of the dry winter. I keep plenty of Crazy Glue around, and as soon as I see the smallest crack appear...I close it with the glue.
Thinking back on this cut...I had bought a package of those razor blades (trapezoid shape) to remove a dozen old drywall anchors from my laundry room wall. No idea why there were so many anchors randomly poked in an 4 square foot area of the wall ??? A YT video suggested using these blades to shave off the "head" that sticks out of the wall, the push it into the wall and fill the hole with mud. It didn't work - the heads were far too hard plastic. After gouging the wall a bit I realized that they would just pull out with a little flick of my exacto.

I think opening the package of razor blades or handling them might have cut my thumb. Then repeated stress using the thumb (on my right hand) caused it to widen and get worse. Thumbs get used a lot more than I realized. Like turning off the ignition key. Ouch! That may explain the lack of blood.

Anyway sorry for rambling.... The liquid bandaid (New Skin) has sealed the cut, pain is gone. It's still a wide cut, but dry, and seems to be healing.

Waiting a few more days before I play. Maybe I'll take my Christmas tree down today lol...
When I first started playing out, and for several years, I had a thing where I always managed to slice open or smash one of fingers a couple of days before a gig. It quite often was actually a cut on my thumb from doing something stupid, but I've also had to play with a sliced left pointer a couple times.

Around the time I got over that, I developed a thing where I very frequently ended up bleeding all over the place during the gig. That's most often the ring finger or thumb on my right hand, and caused by "poor" pick technique and probably just hitting the strings too hard. But you can't just stop in the middle of the second song and be all like "Oh I'm bleeding. We have to stop cause it hurts me." Bandaid would do any damn bit of good anyway.

Does it hurt really really really bad? Oh you poor thing! Do you give a fuck about your music? Maybe it should hurt a little.
Playing guitar is just like anal sex - if its hurting or causing injury, you're not doing it right.
Around the time I got over that, I developed a thing where I very frequently ended up bleeding all over the place during the gig. That's most often the ring finger or thumb on my right hand, and caused by "poor" pick technique and probably just hitting the strings too hard. But you can't just stop in the middle of the second song and be all like "Oh I'm bleeding. We have to stop cause it hurts me." Bandaid would do any damn bit of good anyway.

Does it hurt really really really bad? Oh you poor thing! Do you give a fuck about your music? Maybe it should hurt a little.

You hurt yourself rocking too hard? This is my sympathetic face: