This one stumped the tascam forum


New member
I have a chance to buy a Tascam GA-40 Quad Sync Noise Gate. Anybody know anything about this. I cant find any info online about. A pic would be great.

Where did you discover this mysterious product?

Never mind, I found it! ...on a craig's list posting from some guy in NYC. I suspect the seller is confused.

Cheers! :)
This one stumped the tascam forum

That’s easy to do. :D “Tascamforums” is in name only. The people that make up the most significant remnant of the old company sponsored TASCAM BBS are right here. ;) The current TASCAM Forums are to the old BBS as a blow-up doll is to a real woman. :p

Sure, you’ll get some good info there, but that’s because 95% of the info over there was taken from here and some of us used to cruise through there... some still do. I see people struggling with issues in the analog section that aren’t answered or aren’t answered correctly, but I’m not paying those boneheads for the “privilege” of participating in that forum. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I digress… :o

I remember TASCAM having a rackmount 4-channel gate, but I never owned one. It would be in an older catalog with the RS-20 Reverb and MU-40 Meter bridge… stuff like that. GA-40 sounds right. Maybe Herm has info on it? There were so many inexpensive gates, it probably wasn’t a very big seller. I wouldn’t pay what the guy wants on Craigslist. It’s not like a Drawmer or somethin’.

I would be looking at some of these quad gates for good price/performance:

Audio Logic MT44
Omni Craft GT-4A
Ross RX-NR4
Valley People Gatex

I also said...

I've seen pics of the GA-40, and would have one if I didn't sleep thru so many auctions!

I implied, if not saying directly, it's a 2U rackmount unit that's brown with colored caps, in 4 section that's most like the PE-40, or anything in that line, (MX-80, RS-20, GE-20, MH-40).

Sorry, due to system crashes I have no pics!:eek::eek::eek:;)

PS: It takes a lot more than that to stump me!:eek:;)
I just looked through a Tascam pamplet that has just about everything in it but it doesnt show the unit you folks are talking about.
But this flier still has the rx-9 dbx unit in it and not the dx-4d plus the tascam reverb unit in it is the early version that does not have gain controls on it so the Gate you are talking about must have been a later idea for tascam.

And thanks Tim now I see some stuff I need to start looking for on ebay to fill out my collection. There goes the budget!
I said it's out there but very rare & no pics!:eek:;)

Just to clarify... I was talking about, not the TASACAM forum here at homerecording. I thought that was the forum needledrop was referring to. It didn't occur to me that he might have been talking about our TASCAM section. :o :)
Thanks for the clarification guys. I knew you wouldn't back down from a challenge!!
I would really like to purchase this, because i do need a gate and it would fill up my all Tascam/Teac rack, but I agree the price is high.
BTW I do own an RS-20B.
I'm still waiting for a DX-8 to pop up on ebay??? They're like cops, always around when you dont need 'em!

Your right about that "Tascamforum" I payed money to watch tumbleweeds go by.

thanks again.